The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

Sayre, Athens, South Waverly, and Waverly, N.Y., PAGE EIGHT THE EVENING TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1947 Valley Players Photographic Highlights of World News Slate Try-Outs day evening of next week in the Sayre Community Center, Dr. Carl A. Coots, group president, announced this morning. Two nights are being devoted to try-outs in order to give every participant an opportunity to gain a role in the production. Any interested person, whether or not a member of the Valley Players, is invited.

The selected cast will in-clud three women and nine men. The production, "Thunder Rock" by Robert Ardrey, is a three-act Try-outs for the Valley Player's second production of the season will be held Wednesday and Fri- Second Mishap on Road in 6 Months For the second time in six months a group of 18 persons came to grief yesterday afternoon at 5:30 at about the same place on the Troy, highway where the first mishap occurred. The station wagon in which they were riding, skidded and struck an abutment a short distance north of Giltett. All escaped injury. They were en-route from Miami, to their homes in Ontario, N.

after concluding duties as fruit pickers. All were housed last night at the Volunters of America headquarters in El-mira. In the first automobile accident at that place within the past six months three persons were killed and 17 injured. CHEF'S SPECIAL Leslie Passage Dies; Lived in Waverly 23 Years Leslie W. Passage, 66, of 35 Ithaca street, Waverly, died early this morning in Tioga County General hospital In Waverly after an extended illness.

A resident of Waverly for 23 years, Mr. Passage operated an ice business in Waverly for 10 years before being employed by the Lehigh Valley Railroad company in Sayre four years ago. He was a member of the Eagles lodge of Towanda. Besides his wife, he is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Eleanor Huckle of Waverly; two sisters, Mrs.

Elpanor Westbrook of Rochester, N. and Mrs. Diamatha Seeley of Burlington, two grandchildren, Miss Courtney Huckle of Washington, D. and Gene Huckle of Waverly; two nieces, Mrs. Elizabeth Olmstead of Syracuse, and Mrs.

Thel-ma Joslyn of Savona, N. and a nephew, Raymond Coyle of Elmira Heights. The body will be removed from the Geer Funeral home, 462 Fulton street, Waverly, to the Passage family home Saturday morning, where funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Frederick M.

Hom-righouse, pastor of the Waverly First Presbyterian church, will officiate. Burial will be in Tioga Point cemetery. FOR SATURDAY fantasy which takes place in a lighthouse located in an island in Lake Michigan. Copies of the book may be found in the libraries of Waverly, Sayre and Athens Committees will be announced next week by Dr Coots ARMY AND NAVY PERSONNEL, using vehicles, evacuate patients from the Puumaile Hospital (background) near Hilo, Hawaii, after a storm lashed the islands with merciless fury. The waves roared over the seawall at left, leaving the roadway strewn with lava boulders and debris of all sorts- (International Radiophoto) SWISS HEAT PLATE Choice of vegetables, mashed potatoes, bread, butter and coffee or tea.

Clinton Weller 84 on Saturday Clinton A. Weller, well known as f'Dad," will observe his 84th 55c birthday at his home, 107 Chest-J nut street, Athens tomorrow. YOUNGEST Gl bride-to-be on record, Isobel Mary Butwell, 15, of Reading, England, reaches New York aboard a Clipper, and phones former Sgt. Paul Sinclair, Youngstown, whom she will soon marry. Isobel was 13 when she first met Sinclair at a dance.

When her mother approved the wedding, the youngster hopped a plane. (International) "JUNIOR" CHEF'S SPECIAL 35c i O'BRIENS' CABIN DINER BROAD ST. VVAVERL1 In celebration of the occasion, friends are invited to call at the home from 2 to 5 p.m. Mr. Weller has been a resident of Athens and vicinity during all his 84 years.

She's The fox feeds upon birds, rodents, fruits and berries Copper Calhoon just one of the many fascinating characters in Hosoital Aides Make Bandages Gauze bandages totaling 1,082 were folded at a meeting of the Athens auxiliary ot the Robert Packer hospital at the home of Mrs. David Keefe, 711 South Main street, Athens Thursday afternoon. A party to be held at the Nurses home in Sayre Feb. 14 is planned as a project to raise funds for the purchase of a Stryker frame for the hospital. Mrs.

J. Lloyd Lou-shay is general chairman of the party. Twenty-two persons were present at meeting. Mrs. William Baurys presided.

BASKETBALL TONIGHT ATHENS HIGH SCHOOL vs. SAYRE HIGH SCHOOL HIS REIGN AS A HERO ENDED, Private James M. Hill, 17, of Robinson, 111., explains to Col. John A. Feagan, deputy base commander of Hamilton Field, San Francisco, what all the shooting was about.

Night guard outside the post finance office, Hill originally told of "driving off" bandits, and being shot at. FBI research developed the "bandits" existed in the soldier imagination only. (International SoundDhoto), SflVB MUXON WITH CONSIDERABLE nonchalance, Mrs. Lucienne Benitez Rexach pours herself a glass of champagne ft her Versailles Hotel suite after discovering that $435,800 in cash and Jewels had been stolen from her. Mrs.

Rexach, who left stage to marry a Puerto Rican nightclub owner in 1928, is nn a six-week visit In France with her wealthy husband. (International Radiophoto) SPECIAL LUNCH 50c Shorty's Lunch OPPOSITE BANK WAVERLY, N.Y. Dr. Coughlin Gymnasium VARSITY GAME 8:30 P.M. PRELIMINARY GAME 7:30 P.M.

DOORS OPEN AT 6:30 STUDENTS 25c ADULTS 50e Tax Included AFTER ASSUMING his position as presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, the Right Rev. Henry K. Shernll posed for photographers in New York. Bifhop Shernll succeeds the Right Rev. Henry St George Tucker.

(International) BEGINS MONDAY IN THE EYENING TIMES WT LOGAN ROGERS ALTERATION SALE Smashing Reductions on Our Entire Stock SSNAIOkJ Homfcr Capchart (left), of Indiana, and Alexander Wiley, Republican of Wisconsin, compare nolas in Washington on the labor measures they plan to introduce in the G.O.P.-controlled Congress. Wiley is the author of new legislation concerning the Fair Practices Act and Capehart of an amendment to the act. (International) "to if Si; ATTEMPTING TO PROVE that he is backed in his fight to sit in the Senate, Theodore G. Bilbo (top), Democrat from Mississippi, shows some of the letters he declared were sent by bis followers. Bottom, Senators Robert F.

Wagner (left), Democrat of New York, and Styles Bridges, Republican of New Hampshire, are shown with the half -million petitions filed with the Senate by the Civil Rights Congress of New York, demanding that Bilbo be barred from Congress. (International Soundnhotoi s5 We must make room for the carpenters and electricians, painters and plasterers who will soon begin extensive alterations and additions which will make Logan Rogers one of Elmira's smartest Fashion shops. HERE ARE A FEW SAMPLE BARGAINS Hi. iMiJini.ii, fil i AS THE 80TH CONGRESS convened in Washington, Rep. Bender (R-Ohio) invited some of his fellow representatives to accept one of his free broonii to sweep away the cobwebs which have cluttered up our thinking during the war years." Pictured (L to are: Representatives A.

J. Engel, Michigan; G. H. Eender, Ohio, and R. F.


WATCH FOR THE OPENING OF OUR NEW SHOE DEPARTMENT! We are. readying now for Elmira's smartest and most modern Shoe featuring Red Cross and Gold Cross Shoes. I -rV' 1 LOGAN-ROGERS 134 WEST WATER ELMIRA, N.Y. )PEN FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 8:45 P-M. HANDCUFFED TO A CHAIR.

Alfred Minutolo, former Alcatraz inmate and leader of a nine-man break from a jail in Brooklyn, N. is shown after his capture in Montvale. N. J. Standing beside him is Patrolman George Pan who arrested the convict when he caught him hiding behind the pulpit in a church where he bad sought shelter, ttnmaiimali A WAR BRIDE FPCM ENCIAND, Mrs.

Dorothy Henn. of Vd, reeds the newpsper reporting that cuairupleU-thrce' bo-i, ar.d a g.rl are doirg nicely in the ini inriTbatcrs. Ey mcaU of X-ry the Kerns knew in mid-Xcveirter that they ere to become the parents of a foursome. (Interactional iouuinhJn.

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.