Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)

i JULY i I inn. OT. SALI AL ESTATE. t1 rr- -t- (Continued.) rc: to exciianq: (Continued.) TO (Continued.) u.j. ii i (Conticd.) (Continued.) Fann 3 for Sal a.

Suburban Real Estate. To Exchange Keal Estate. To Exchar.g-e Eeal Estata. REAL ISTA1E EXCHANGE THREE seclicits nortbern Miniiesota laud, cl'-cr of eni iiniliiaiici. lor clly residence.

new apjii-imeiit budding, baying 20 per cut on invesi ineiit, will accept eouiu clear Janil, balance part rush. Several duplexes for good clear lnnd or wUl Bell tor down, baliince on time. drug atore, Hue location, for renl-dence proii.rly. Smith Minneapolis, modern mnldenoe for pilty iu four flat building. lb resilience lots, St.

Pnnl for good fa no or residence property. $23,000 flat building and residence eon part casb. balance as desired. 3. ism acres clear laud for city property, Improved.

HOWSEB, 80 Pnlncn. 4 I ATt CFFFRINQ TO BF-TTLFF3 K- a rh'fi1 Pfircni.u In mi" in the -X- Hum Valley, KnsTt-rn Murri- -X' -X- won find Milfp Lrtct -iunt rJ be 'X- -r aturkinan's phruilLtsH of Mlnnfsoitt, gu'd a')ii, wii cr in iil)iiininii4t', ay- -X- -r nifuir to suit a pMrfiiit.srr, nininiiiy 'X- or yi-arly, averjm' inlet- il.j an -X- -X- aere, NO or Jttu arte tra'ia. AUo i- X- laiuls chtBi to tl" Cuynna livm -Jf -r li jne in Winn comity at -X- -X- farm land viilueK rervitig only -X- im-bn1f the mineral riguu. Fur X- particulars nniy -X- Farms tor Sals 155 ACRTS, 4 KILLS FROM ST. CLOUD.

ifill, g.AKl lii.ri-e, barn uud well pruvcd. i-o mres, near fit. black I mi: Mill. Kmiii house anil bni'ti, well equipped 1 ice. iii'i acres, near l.ikton, black loam soil, house, burns and other buildings; price, per acre.

Savagi-Jjetrolt St. Paul, Minn. MINNESOTA MEAD0WLAN'D3 AND FLOOD-wim1 setl lemeuls, I.oi.i counly, near fanners, gardeners, oiiii inen wanted; liiejtl climate, rn soil, nbtindant raiiilail, great crops; luii.c. u( ciuver. ou our own line; frcqueut ttaiu servi'-e: best lliarketa in America; prices low; terms easy; homeseek-eis a-oisied; illustrated literature free.

Write Lund CcmmisM.iiier, V. 1. B. 172 Wolvlu Iiiiinth, Minn. REAL 240 RICH BLACK loniu.

170 acres Held. Curly level, balance iiinl uicail.iw. ni barns, well nod induiiu, un ood, near sebcoi; "iuy live miles- fr.iin stale norinul ach.iol ninl ereuniely, sidles and churches. About 2.1 utiles aoiuiii-asi of M. Paul.

Price $15 per aeio. Lusy terms. Wuixleii-Spencer bsl niiuillkM-k, Paul. REAL ESTATE TorSALE, 40 ACRES OF improved laud under high state of cultivation in amen river vulley, ulce grove of trees iiri'iuid part of tract; good buildings; oue-lialf mile from school, church and town; telephone In house; willing to retire from will sell ou part crop puynieiits, or mine liberal terms. Write in lor full piii'ticiiliUK.

Adtlrebs Alviu Veesey, Jamestown. N. I). REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 330 ACRES 4 miles northwest of 1st. Cloud, one ninl a half miles from Rapids, under hlKii state of culthat en, tine barna and out buildings, eigiit-iDom house.

Khade and fruit VOiJ I. A 7 GOING TO TEE I lj -i'f ,11 911.1 M-e il- 0 i i -I i lit 'l --i't en. give (lie Vrry I in l.i.l.hi; i.i"'l' .11. I'rk- A it'" dream ivf a rot- tag-- a tnw ic bench, g-ctl and a dandy view; only Lasjr Or re with good beach aud fine Title; T. I iiifi.vni a s.ore lot ri'jin.

an abundance oi shade Bid shuc, J. 173. Tonus. Tilg anri -A veiy fine location mm one nes.rini a liiie'-ehting summer fci.ii About tin n.i.'. place lh- l.wcr I.k.

Procs very h'W Indeed, c.iiiy $7o0 for a lot. WUiltiiiret Hero is as Ideal point. Close to dtiou I.os cut Soo dep; a perfect bcio an!'h shade trees. Wii; discount liberally lor quick t-aie. Gideon's Pay feet fine loach, mill coxy cottage.

$2. two; easy terms. Kicc'ilor It acres, 200 apple trees. 4.000 fTTn-its: live acres berries, a fine six-room hone, ni tas.nieni burn. Wiil sell at a ascribe or exchange fur duplex.

Christmas Luke S.0 feet of shore, fbree a re of li. rr es. apples, grapes, etc. Collage wiili wilier ami hnth. good bant nil g.trngc: Line ai-rua nil; 7.5il.

Tbii nii be lo Ixf appreciated for it la certainly a si. up. MeinMsoliii On trolley. Ten gores improved Willi fruit, two l.loi ke from car. Must lie txll cnc.

Will take hnlf what adjoining prup-erty la fur. TO EXCHANGE WIIX EXCHANGE LO- Ionise and burn III tiou I' 1" e-soiu cost motor bust. oviner. Il7. Illtermitinnnl I'-iIia, TO EXCHANGE 120 'ACRES GOOD LA N'i Vn 1 for aiei iiMwuiue, N.

Y. Lire Ilida. 4fU" Carlson, bJ 1 ui. cuhiva, noii, crops nest iu aorthweal, fur stock unu.iie up lo 0. Olesoa o.

i uiin r.iog. EXCHANGE STOCK OF DRY GOODs Kn! lions, indies' and genu' furnl.hlnas. 1 lnehiillug hxtiires, to trade fr Jail" T. ''S!" roil" Wan ted to tr a deTm "to it y'iu ic a store buildlug in couuty seat ln t'J stock of furniture or mortgage fJW. Address truster Bralnerd, Mum.

truster, WltlE FARM, EKwOOli" to sell or exchange; Severs, Cottage. Mllllienpolla, to or vlllaire property. Owner. 412 tm Buildlnj. A ON TROLLING INT a paying Minnesota bank for Nori li', ta land.

Address owner. A. J. Siaiue. 4fi driis Mlnneapolla.

Call Center Nlcolet 3174. TO EXCHANGE WANTED TO "EXClrUNeo in ij'iiioe, uowry mil Ulstllcl, uujiiex in Mm the uulverslly. Phone i.a neii polis. near houn 3041 FOxi 20 OR ixCnANGrli it, acIESTSI n-B or iiuuse BOO lot 111 i I llouae hardwood tlulab and eiee. trie lights, full basem*nt.

-vildiess i Jirjiiiuie. BRING LN YOUR EXCHANGES, uiatcb you while jnu wail. O. 11. lioWK IN VI Ki ME NT 42 Mynioutb Bldg.

10 HAN I HAVE 40 G00DLOT west of Lake Harriet, mu blocks from street car Hue; will trade for good farm or Int. pvel city AlbS Trlbtuia. 160" ACRES EASTERN NORTH DAKOTA TO) trada tor ciiy resuieiiio. J. 8.

A BLAND, 340-842 Kn.lliottp.i.g., nt. Paul, Minn. laO ACRES EDDY COCNIYr'NOaTli-DAKOl ta. VVTil exchange lor au automobile. I'-t'dieott bt.

Paul, Minn. HAVE QUARTER IN WARD N. AND quarter In Marshall M. II. WTII exchange either for et'H-k of about um nnx i.l.t, Britum, n.

10 EXCHANGE CITY FLXtI aim oioer income property to eacoaiigo isrrn lantm. i.eiorsi naiunrv. nan .,) a i. lf 'you have" pbopeety that yo wish or exchange, call and sen wrlie. We do niial exchange busui-, and can illsisiie of your property.

I'irrett A Gillien, .10 Lumber 1 "strictly modern kew home, east front, Lyuibursi; uiso ne i wiil ex-change for lo room cvhIciu dui korklo. owner. Lllmlier Lxc.iane. T0 EXCHANGE $40X00 WCaTil 0FO0bD farm laud (or clly property, aunt UBt8 oe stores, duplex or uie Ai.ness Xluutn BBox 02, bleruyi Eve, Minn. fO EXCHANGE $17,000, "hIGiiliLA38" 'LIvT ery niie.k, incuding 30 tior-s aiel part or ad fur sale or eifuugs for leal esiate.

Address A107 Tribune. soo farm in Bwirfcor, to eiciialg' for weii tocaied I'loj't-ity., National Land it B-fcity eu2 Paiace Bbig. TO EXCHANGE HALF ACRE LOT IN Ingslde sale or exchange lor i Ii. ap an.

nil house or 40 acres of land well 1. sated. Ad- 'dress Johnson. 2sl 21st av K. TO 1IAVE STOCK" GLNEr'aL tun; jliaiJdise of omt of want clear Minnesota or hast xiakota laud.

Likit Box lt-4, Pipestone, Mlun. REAL LSTATE WANTED. FOR BALE OR TRADE BUILDING LOT "ON1 Grnnd av near 2 si, wita an iicpiuveinentn in. A rery deitaiiie an or a duplex; will se.i reas.tiabie or Would apply ss payment on a siumi well located, hunxaiow style preiirred. Address W32t Tnbuue.

Couuiy, lou acre. Mutpuiau wiil put ln cast, and as.niu.e ou Louse. line iu.pinT.I late slioia farm. $19 a'-ris. city pro petty, lot your boun for choice farms.

We lead iu the excuaiign business. m. Bennett, tux; Palace bldg. Loi8WArtD wtsr nnd nouth of Lske from unui-rs euiy. We bav Mrveral customers for iut.

1a txuit vicinity. QUIfcT GlERTHKN 444 Audi us ll'liidiiig. Onter W). WISiFlO BUY'OOOD MODERN I OR home; wiil pay to rush, tuajr go little blgner it extra good ba-gaiu. like p-iaaession tsepteinber.

Give imi particu-tara. lowest csnh price and when I can at the same. ZlJld, Tribune. WANTED-8 TO 8 BOOM "fiOUBE, MEHrIaX Park. bt.

Paul, or between Port. and and Biootiitiigton nv nnd uqistdn Vrsukon. Not oeer Have casn. If not wortli he money, do not answer. Addrasn ToO '1 nbune.

nW 6-llo' ACRES; KUbT'h A VEN CL 1 bulldingn, not uver 8 miien to town, wltb, tlntbolia cbur-b; muat bn co-an no I. bo sand; will pay ail rnsa. Address A751 Trlbune- WANTED TO BUY, A NEW, FULLY MOD-em bouse, bungalow or collage, stucco preferred, wist or Nicollet axn- within 44tli nt, will pay $j0 to $73 per mouth. Tel. pLoxve South HAVE CASH BUYER FOB OOOD EIGHT 6 nlue-rooui home, Midway disirlct, one carfare to either city.

Can make quit deal, pee Paul Beuhbr, 45fl Tempie Court. WANTED A LARGE 12 OR 18 ROOM brick or atone, must be atrlcUy modern and hear good car line. Will buy or lease, for term of years. Address 337 Tribune. FAKM 0 WNEH3 WE CAis" SELL YOUR FARM in or centrist Minnesota.

No pay unless we sell. l'rau, Brothers capital tlOO.tXA. i 3d. wANILD A SMALL EARM WITH BUILD- ins and shmle treea, boruenng on lake or stream uear town with go-sl high school. B.

T. Kiuellcb, f'ttHdicB, Iowa. WANTED A NEW MODERN HOUSE Uf good neighborhood, wnl pay from to $1,000 spot cumi. TbeOoore Vi el inure. io7 palace Lldg.

WANTED I WILL FAY $200F0H A LOT tit to build a collage ou, South Viinie-apulls. Write me what uU btfve. VV, Kateiey, 0-7 10th nt 1ET U8 BELL YOUR HENNEPIN COUNTY farm. Mew catalog out moon, iraub Brothers 4 Co.j capital Hennepin and ikl. HOUSES WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR LAND slso have au auto aud secure notes; would pot in srime fast, 412 Northwesteni Bldg.

NORTH BIDE REAL ESTIATE IS MY SFE ciaity; Hat exclusively wnth me and flat results. Hurry A. WTlUamtr. 714 MeL Life. WANTED 6 OR 7-HOOM "lUILY MODERN bouau in good locatlou; price must be reasonable.

W. 0. Allan, 8 Hi Kasota Bldg. WILL PAY CABH FO'a LOT IN LAKE KAR- rlet district. Must be bargain.

Give locntion, description and price. T67 Tribune. WANTElC-FARMIN MINNESOTA, VUX. gnod clly, prefer It to be cloae to Miuue-aoolln or Ht. Paul.

11421 Tribune. WANTED $10,000 "TO H0MS, lSK.i Isles district, want posse bipt. 1. tie-hart Land Phwuiil bldg. WANTED 7 OR 8-ROOM BoWC noutb of 22nd st nnd west 01 parg nv.

uaaa deal. Addresn BJ1 Tribune. NORTH MlrOrtAfS lia, for cash, not over $300. Address Dupont ay N. Business Property Wanted.

WANTED ABOUT 8,000 88UAHI FEET flour spsce with truckage, tnusi oe convenient to freight doiMda. MINNEAPOLIS TRUST 100 Cti st. I WANTED 60, Ouo SQUARE FEET FLOOlfc npncei preieramy ou wasunigiwu ev om av N. MINNEAPOLIS TRUST low Oth nt. 6f ORE SUITABLE E0B riRST'6flSBlo'AEl on 4th, 6th or tith st, between Heunepto nnd 1st av B.

MINNEAPOLIS TBUBT 00., 109 8 Bth st, Farms Wanted. WANTED I HAVE BEVERAL PIECES OT city Income property, notno large, some sronll, nlso a good paying restaurant business; will exchange any of it for farm land, improved or unimproved; muat be clear of Incumbrance or nearly so. James Peterson, Eureka rus-taursut, 209 Nicollet ST. INSTRUCTION. VACATION STUDENTS.

Brngtlsh, miiibematlos, history, German, French, Latin, Greek, taught by retired sebcol principal. Tel. W. 5737 South. INSTRUCT ION -C I A ALNTIN 0 IV AT lessons at your home or tn class; classes to be formed now.

Prices reasonable. Btftl Tribune. SUMMER RESORTS. NEW C0TTA0EB, FURNISHED, FOB FIVE Boats, $10 per week. Noar Alexandria.

Lake Darling. B. J. ISsllrniluo, Alex-andrla, Minn. WANTED TO BOARD FOUR 'MEN" r0H0UT-Ing; good fishing; reasonable rates, B.

V. heem, Cutler, Minn. COAL AND WOOD. HARD COAL, EGG, STOVE AND NUT, per ton. Woodward Fuel 211 loth nv thanes Xrfl, iSorta 4014 W.

Klcoliet imi. Ss- Only $:,5 per acre for a 3(10 acre st.ii and grain turin near the ni). lay soil, niiilern buie, guod barn-tinner lias In leave tbe fwrm. tins up at unce. Two goi'd eighties, near the Twin cities, anil per acre; tvel tiuilding on the latter.

b. B. SCHEL, 017 Andrus. rr i LAST GRiAT OFPO kl Uiv i I ft ft To Wet Huiu'-stead and loture lbmie. ft ft ot choice furiiis wiil be ft ft opeiod lnr settlement on the ft ft Fort lierlbolt lnaian ft ft 'i riliutiiry to ltyder, N.

ft ft From Aug. 11 to teit. 2, 11111. ft ft to be Kind an ivbere, ft ft excellent prairie, no better suii ou -X- earth, health, climate, best of water, ft ft abundance of natural fuel, available ft ft markets; the land where liax and No. 1 wheat Is liitig.

ft For further Information write N. W. BAKKK LAND -X-ft 8112 34 boston Block, ft Miiiueapolia, Niti.n. -X- le 40 ACRES, ADJOINING ALLEN, fiou, $50 cash, haiauce $10 pur mouth; good soil. hO acres, 5 miles Newfolden, high, open prairie, house on place, $lo0 cash, balance JM) per aunuiu.

100 acres. Thief itlver Falls, all open prairie, $2,000, lfo20 cash, balance per annum. loo acres, I'len, 00 acres under cultivation, granary aud good well, $iO per acre, huo cash. Finest kind of land. WO aires, I'lara City, (U acrea under cultivation, $3o per acre, $1,000 caah.

Good corn country. C. B. LKNKEMA. 640 SECURITY BLIJQ.

HERE'S A SNAP BEAUTIFUL LAKE SUCRE farm of lzo acres; uu acres lirld, 10 acres ready to break, 40 acres tine improved meadow; neat ts-room house, 10x24 with wliu HxlS, stone foundation and cellar; hetved log barn, 14x40, with frame cow stable in good lepalr; also granary, chlcaen house, hog bouse, milk house, sued and summer kitchen; buildlug insured for good well and tump; all fenced; aouie Irult trees and plenty of fuel and fencing timber; tine beach on pretty lake; good fishing, bass, pickerel, clay loam soil and roiliug surface (the hcldB lie very prettily with aoiue fairly level parts); only fco rods to creamery, ouo mile to achool and Lutheran church and Ave miles to railroad station; In well settled and prosperous Scandinavian settlement; a bargain at $30 per acre, ou easy termj of payment. Baker, LO, tit. Croix Falls, Wis. SOME 6NAI'S0F AL1F TIME 29 milea from Mlunuap-ilis and near a me largo lake; bo acres of rich fertile land, about 43 acres, under a high state of cultivation, a splendid meadow that cuts about 40 Ions of bay, balauce hard wood timber and pasture, a fair set of buildings, good well of water, team, wagon, harness, aleds, 6 good cows, and all tuiui tools. Price, $2,000 caah, balance easy terms.

40 acrea with a good sot ot new buildings, about 25 under plow, line meadow, plenty of hardwood timla-r. Price, $lioO cash, balauce easy terms. 35 acrea of good fertile land, about IB under plow, flue meadow, pleuly hardwood timber, cluae to station, fulr set of buildings, well of splendid water, pretty yard, about half cash, balauce easy terms. S. A.

CARLISLE, WYOMING. MINN. HERE 13 A CRACKER JACK. 40 acres, home, ail under cultivation, good six-room house, good barn, 24x32, room for 14 bead of slock, 15 tons of hay In the barn, about eight tons in alack, lo acres of bne corn, 15 acres of good fodder corn, two good work horses and apring colt, new work harueas and wagon, new double aud single buggies, new single born.s, all kinds of farm mahciuery and gulden timis, In good condition, seveu good Jersey milk cows, will all be fresh this lull, two year old Jersey bull and three beifirs, one year old llnlsleiu bull, and ail household goods, possession given at once. Write Palmer Laud for price aud terms, Anoka, Minn.

REALIST ATE GET IN ON GROUND FLOOR on remarkable bnrKiiina along t.oo line extension; Twin Cities to lmluth, iu splendid lake aud dairying region iu northwestern Wisconsin; good soil, healthful climate, excellent water, cheap building materials, creameries, schools, churches, telephones, Wtii located, not far from Iiiiluih, only 70 miles from Twin lilies; tine farms 10 to $30 per acre; some have beautiful lake shore and all of theiu will bo conveulent to stations; easiest teiin; get a good farm or summer hom*o In this mining summer re.irl. region when prices are Ion suineiulng to suit every one's pocketbook. John Heller, 640 Temple Court, enter 27H3, Nicollet 321)11. 40-ALbt. FAKM, ft ft 80-ACKE FAKM.

ft 120 ACiiE 1 Anal. These fauna we will tia le for small housea or lots in Mmne Up' if you waut to buy a good Uliu clieao. see us about these. one has ueany euougn timber to pay tor itscif. i to gjd town and railroad.

-Must be soid at once. NICHOLS FRISSELL, 3ul 3 Audrua bliiLt- BAROA1A," 8(10 acre Improved larm. miles from Minneapolis, 8 miles from railroad station; US acres under cultivation; practically all of balance can be cultivated, used for pasture land at the present lime; buildings consist of hjusc, barn, room for 100 bead of atock, granary, well, thla land wiil produce excellent crops of corn. oala. clover, etc.

Price $17 per acre, one half cash, Lalanca to suit purchaser, ti per ceut. I an be inspected by leaving Minneapolis In the morning and returning aaiue evening. SCHWAB 123 Guaranty Louu Minneapolis, Minn. CALIFORNIA ORANGES FREE SPECIAL premium offer of loo rhoice iota only $06 each, cash or Installments, to advertise our fast growing towu of oakhurst, Fresno county, I aiitoruiu, and ill immediately express prepaid absolutely free one large standard sue box of oniui-'es to any-ouo who bujs a lot, as nu advertisem*nt to show what will grow ou our Oakhurst lamia. Write al once tor maps, plats, photographs aud full particulars.

Ageuts wanted, Land Water 42 Market at, ban Francisco, Cat. A GREAT BARGAIN IN A STOCK AND GIIA1N FAKM IK IAM.N SllO.S. 800 acres of land iu Licked county, N. 8 liiiies lroiu good town, ruiul uiu.t, phone, main road to two comity feat towns. 320 acrea tillable, 4MI grazing, lineal spring watei and giHiil ash timber sneiter.

Hood huiise and baru aud a tot of fence. $20 per acre takes it, JO.taio Incumbrance, $3,000 ash will handle It. A splendid chauca for aomeoue Willi boys. Address V. K.

lluikliis, EllemJule, N. II. ADVANTAGES Or 0RE60N 101) PAGE BOOK Ives amount of government laud to omeslead iu each county In the stales of Oreguu and ashington. and description of same; gives homci. ad, desert, tluiher, alone, coal anil minerai iuws; tnu maps ot Oregon in colors, showing K.

it. in operation, one showing ad proposed K. It. and electric linen, including l.abieni and Ctuuul oicuu-2oc eacn, or tt.e tnree 5oi Nauuio, ftuney Hamilton 1'ortiaiid. "HERE IS YOUR CHANCE.

ACT We are going out of business and offes. direct to you without middleman's proiit 10,000 acres or wild laud and improved Inrtiis in the famous bed river valley, in ar I ronk-(lou, in pi. la couuiy. .11 i a. Have ben teiluct.y latmed and cai'duliy lmkid after, rices lo el.i per acre; ainaii payments aud lialunce ou eay teinis.

For toil particulars ttiltu the 1 aiiner Works Laud Xlitukalo, Minn. Mcuii'iu liaiicr. A FARM HOME" AT A BARGAIN 127 ACRES good room ueiise, all Mulshed In oak duwu staira. bain line set of mil builiiings. well, ciHtein and cellar, buildings all aimed, oo acres in crop, 20 acres bay, balance tim ber aud pasluie, boiiieriiig ou river, price with one nurd of crop fi.jloo, wilh out crop cash, bulance long time.

pel cent, these build tigs coat old age reasiiu for selling. Write Palmer Laud Anoka, Mliiu. WE ARE AGENTS FOR SOME OF THE choicest Improved farms in tins part of tho state and will be pleased to show them to any tine Interested. Big crops this jear and yields have equaled f'Jisj acre In potatooa aud uvar 3o iu rye. Coin crop ahead of Iowa.

Come and nee. Pilcea right, l.oaua on first uioitgsgs at ti per cent. We are 3o miles north of M.niie SKills ou Great Northern railway. Slate llauk of Bethel, Bethel, Minn. MARKETS DULUTH SUPERiOR HAVE BEST markets ror rami protiucia lu America.

New Heel plant and affiliated ludua-trlee will create large manufacturing center. We are placing on the market for the first time 2(Huhj seres of laud Just south of these cities. Hli'li land, good roads, good Schools, low prices, eay terms. 'lracts to suit. Along Soo Short Line, laruiera' Laud A Cattle 211 Globe St.

Paul, Mlnn. A SNAP OS ACHES AT BIO FALLS. MINNj 42 acres lu the village limits, log bouse, frame barn, two flue springs, one-quarter mile of fronliige on Big Fork river, with timber that will cut tu.OOO feet and several lnin cedar poets, strong Indications of Iron. Will take If ul4 ijuli ami glvu teirna. i.urjiruH i8a.

N. V. life Ilhig. Main 31100. If It's a Gopher It's a bargain.

GREAT CHANCE FOB. POOR MI ANY part of Imae acreage of good land In well settled country; f.O miles lroiu Twin Cities; will be sid In tracts to suit purchaser; 510 down per fni'ty and $10 per month, or $1 down If purchaser will go onto laud and make lmproTrmeiits. Get full Information today. Bakaar. 110, bt.

Croix Falls, WW. EROOKSIDE IDEAL EUBUHHS. One Mile Beyond City Limits. On Omji Hopkins Car Line. $175 ench OOiHO it.

t) each Kxcelsior av lirookaide av llts2-i One-tenth Down, 2 Per Cent Per Month. MINNEAPOLIS TRUST luu iilii at S. a- I ACRES, 10 ACRES, SO ACRES Fifty choice acres to (elect from. Ji- One mile Boutb of Lake Harriet. vt Heavy clay auhaoll, every foot it lable.

Can sell you un very easy -Ji- teiii.6. Close to cay market. Cail ft and see piat or make arianemcnta Mr to go out with ma and look it over. WALTEB WILSON, f)35 LUMBER EXCHANGE. N.

W. pbone Nicollet 4U8. RIVERSIDE TOWNSITE. 4r Un 1'au Patch Air Line. At Jiincthn of Omaha and Dan Patch Koud.

Tbla is the coming new it toun on the uciv electric i.mhI. it Several new housea built and more ft In of construction. La.18 sell J.iO to $i0. J5.U0 down, and 4r $5.00 per mouth. Call or DAN PATCH REALTY CO.

ft P13 Security li.dir. -ft ft T. C. Annex 1U0. ft LOTS IN BEAUTIFUL" R0EBINSDALE PARK near av for quick sale at each.

Last or west front. Choicest lots In the village on riiicly graded streets lined with beautiful eltu trees, one anil two blocks from eldntrk car, uear fine school and churches. A few of these lots will be sold at $1100 each to close out the holdlnga of eastern owners. Also beautiful acre tracts of high, perfect land on a fine road, one blocks from the ltocKtord road and Crystal Lake read. This tract is Just being platted and the Brat traota will be gold V0 to $5(0.

Values rapidly advancing in this beautiful suburb of tine bomea. hlectrlc cara, electr'c lights. Other improvemeuts are coming fast. Ask about our lots that we are platting on the lake shore. Write Uobbiusdale Syndicate, Kobbiiisdale.

Phone Uyland J. 10 ACBES ADJOINING B0BBINSDALE, RICH garden soil, good bouse, barn and chicken Louse, lavs perfect, 0 acres, one mile from city limits, rich garden suii, no sand, fine room bouse, bara, orchard, lays tine, Morrison, 432 2nd av 8. REAL ESTATE FIVE ACRES RICH LEVEL laud, deep black loam, about 4 acres tilled, about one acre timber, fine location, splendid new, car Hue mile, large, cemented basem*nt, new 7-room bouse, tine well aud pump, goiat atore house, out bouse and large front Porch, iinproveiuenig coHt I.aud cost $1,000. Our price, Wardell-Spencer Co.liS UulonJJlk, HEAL ESTATE DAIRY, 166 ACRES, THREE miles from Hopkins, b-roora house, bam for 70 bead of jjtook; SO under cultivation, balance pasture aud meadow; will be sold at a fcacritice. Eighty at St.

Iiuls Park, $liO per acre. If platted w-ill make a fortune. Forty at lake Harriet to exchange for nice home iu cUy. Darccy, 810 Bank of Commerce Bldg. REAL ESTATE DAIRY.

166 ACRES. THREE uiile8 from Hopkins, room beuse, barn for 70 bead of stock; hO under cultivation, balance pasture and meadow; will be aold at a aacri-Bce. Kitfbty at (St. Ixrais Park, i 150 per acre. If platted will make a fortune.

Forty at Lake Harriet tn exchange for ulce home In city. Unreey, 819 llauk of Commerce Bldg. $yt-ACBE TBACT BETWEEN PILLSBURY AV and the Han Patch line, blx blocks from at car line at Buchman slu*t Inn on the Dan Patch Hue. Good for gardening, chicken raising or caa lw platted lulu 111 large lots. Iilub and level.

Price terms right. B. H. Wilson, ROIli st aud Nicollet av. T.

S. pbona Grove 4:19, cull 2. REAL ESTATE ONE BEAUTIFUL ACRE deep blBck loam, some lltntier, lare garden, fruit trees, strawberries, rnspliorries, new bouse, 20x24, full basem*nt, large chicken bouse, brood bouKcs, colony bouse, only 4 blocks to car line. Price. H.fiOO.

Warden-Spencer tlhUnion JIlk. Kt. Paul. REAL ESTATE ACRES, 40 ACRES, PLAT Into 240 lots, cost $225 each, soil to iiloO each; only miles West hotel; wooded bill overlooking Twin Cities; speculation, So0 per cent jirolir Hnlmrt, Phoenix ludg. A START IN POULTRY BUSINESS OR borne, sere, chicken bouses, chickens, Incubator, 6-room bungalow, hardwood finish, right at car atop, lirookaide, 'omo Hopkins car; $1 teruia.

REAL" EST ATE SUBURBAN, 6 ACRES rich Boll, wooded. Glen Luke, trolley cars, live In the country, grow your livlug. pure Ir. water. $1,200.

10 acres, Franco av, 3 miles south city. Hubert. XlE8T ATE F0 ALeT" 8 CE-diir av, 4-ud at. bine for garden or plaiting. rolauder, 4414 Pillabury av.

Phone Grove 218. Lands and Acres for Sale. rSEE LITERATURE WIIX BE BENT TO euyoDft luterested lu the wonderful Bueriimea-tu Vaile, the rtobHt Hlley tn the world. Unlimited oDrortuuitien. Tl.oiisand of ti, vulluble i pricei.

The pluce for th mu wuntlui, borne In the tiuemt cttuiHte un brih. No Uflde for nto oignuized U) glvj relUblt InforuiKlU'ii. becretMij tiacramt-uto Valle Duvei'puieul Aanociutlou, Bucruuieuto, a WILL SELL ON CROP PA KEN I ft plan fr $22 au acre, of 15, ft ft ten miles from Milk river, Al- ft berta, to farmer who bus ma- 7t ft chtr.ery for working same. Ueo. II.

HI. (lair, 202 N. Y. Life klluue- ft apolls. JrJJv LAND OPENING WE OFFER FOB SALE and settlement lOo.uuO acres of very choice farm landa located near Stone lake on the New Liuluth-Chicago division of tlie Soo line.

In the famous Lac Court da O'ltlells Indian reservation district. The Bueat lakes In the eouutry. Best of aoll. Prices from $fi to a) 1,1 per ai re, on eBay terms. For particulars write A.

Wise, lllrcbwood, Wis. FOr'sALE TWO' SECTIONS'OF FIRST CLASS laud iu touvuiship 17, raune -0. wist uieiidliin, Mnimoba, 4o0 acres in crop. House value fJ.otiu, mile tnou station. All fenced, lioi.d water, price 22 per acre, (iood teiuts.

Also for sale, large blucks of luiid in Kus-katcbewan, Alberta aud Peace Hlvur coouliy. 1 Arsi'imuli Jasper, West t.d uioniou, Alta. THE PRICE 'OF OUR LANDS IN MILLE Lacs county will be practically the same as the price of other lauds id' similar quality and location. We sell tnem now lor an acre, on the ea-lest terms ever offered land purchssers. Ii.m't lose this opportunity.

Come now. Waning nieens price. A. Johnson lino 1st av Miiiueupulls, 40 ACRES OF NICE LAND ON CENTRAL AV, rive miles from the city limits, to exchauae for a house aud lot or aell for casb on payments, by owner, p. A Sandburg, SOO 7th sv N.

REAL ESTATE 40 ACRES BLACK LOAM, hmltttLUS. leieoboUe, windmill, excellent iiiniiniHiity, m-ur burcb, acii-ail. It. F. 11.

aiini steia, niaclilnei 10 nnies fr.uu Minne i. l-tiliai. A auap; Mr. Hyan, 1020 parkav. REAL ESTATE 160 ACRES OOOD LAND neur aleusiiga, value also Due resliliine lot ou (iaitield av worth eii.iiuiine boib or separate for Minneapolis residence.

Address Z4I0. Tribune. FIVE ACRES NEAR CO 140 PARK AND STATE Agricultural farm, bcaulltul piece of laud; price 1 E. M. Anderson, Sofc I'boenii Bldg.

i ACRES FOR $3,300. THISIS Tli'EB EST buy in llenacpiu one mile from city liunui, north. Worth Ho not overlook this. I-AWRENCE, 4V0UBE. I ALE 160 ACBES.

THE SOUTHE AST iiusrter of section 12, township lot, rsnge 44, iocs led 4 miles northeast of Hod Lake For lurtber information write to W. C. Gray, Genoa, Colo. BEALtSTATE ACRES TOB BALETN joining Nicollet on the east aud Dan Patch line on the west, 6 blikt front llaon station.

Telephone Grove 430 8, A. ill II. BE AL EST ATE STOCK FARM" OFEOtTACRES. 12 tti den from city, a nioiu huutie, gi-od esduw. per acre, easy terms.

M. Tigue, lliih av 8. I OH BALE 15 000 ACRE SG 00 LAN IN famous baiiw.n county, AlKhauia; 14.50 acre, pensacola luvestmeut Peuea-cola, Kia. Florida Landi. ARE YOU CONTEMPLATING GOING TO I I.OIt!(!A7 IS YIpI'K Van RAI.E If so, It will i to your interest to see ua st ours.

We have liitormatlon that may lie of value to vou. KKAJ.TY Onier N. Y. Life Utile. Main anno Wisconsin Lards.

6 000 ACRES FINEST LAND IN SAWYER $7.50 p'-r aTe, easy terms, simp. Urtik It up. Churchill, bo I'boeulA. E. L.

TRASK, 101 Kasota Block. MUST SELL TO SETTLE ESTATE 120 aei' paity lu.i.ri.v ed wilh near Mllle Lacs bike. Mlnucsota. Will sell for $10 per acre cash. WALSTAI) -PEAItRON Security Bldg.

REAL ESTATE WE HAVE SEVERAL FORTY- acre lainis In Cio-s county, we will sell on payments of $10 down and $10 per mouth. No interest or taxes. Farms are all near lakes and Jurge towns. Call for particulars. Sterling Corporation, 415 New York Life Bldg.

REAL ESTATE HA VE FARmT Anoka county, will trade for city properly or sell on psynients, or trade for atore in country. (.. Oreenberg, 041 Kill av Minne. apolls, Minn. REAli ESTATE TEN ACRES" NEAR CITY limits snd car, good Boll.

Will sell at sacrifice en easy terms. Can carry it Addrons 1'Iul rlblllie. HEAL ESTATE FOR'SALETS-ACRE-ISLAND In Bilny lake m-tir Interioitloual Falls. Will sell cheap. Addrij-s P.170 Tribune.

HEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE, 600 HEAD range hors, for cut over land clear. Address A570 Tribune. Fruit Lands REAL ESTATE OREGON FRUIT LANDS and orchard tracts ou easy monthly payments, 6 to 4i acres. Safe, protimbio investment and ideal for a home. Write lor special offer of free It.

B. fare. Oregon Apple Orcharda Portland, Oregon. REAL ESTATE I OH KALE BY THE OWN-er, 500 acrea of land In Itltyftehi, fruit section; wish to sell In biuail tracts to actual settlers. Write for particulars.

Geo. 11. Whiting, Yankton, S. 1. REALESTATE FOR SALE, BEVERAL" FINE 6 acre lots fiult land, lliivneid county, one mile to railroad btailuu, Wsi-hburu dis- trlct.

Owner, ilox Cannon Fads, Minn. REAL LSTAXE FOR SALE SEVEN "ACRES liregon iiiuula aud cuei ry land, trees liear-lng in 1013, might trade fur city lots or terms to suit. Address U73 Tribune. Washington Lands, FOE BALE FINE 10 ACRE APPLE OR- chard, standaid varieties, two to four years old; five acres strswoerrtes tirst year; best Strawberry district. White Salmon, aah.

Good sprinus, bne roads. F'uil particulars by mail. Twelve bundled doilsra income next year. J. W.

Hamilton, 147 Keut St. Ht. Paul. North Dakota Lands. SECTION BLACK LOAM SOIL, NO BTOBTE, heavily grassed, would accept clear exchange or easy lerms cash; also loO acres aud full section ilydc county, S.

Owner, Wilcox, 3(2 phoenix. NORTH DAKOTA'S GREATEST BARGAIN Highly improved 2S0 acres, best part of ltao-soiii counly. Only $37.50 aero; worth $45. Lasy terms, V. Burgairoiu, Forest City, Iowa.

TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE 7S BARREL FLOUR MILL, elevator in eohnecttnii, imdcrn equipment, two residences, for I siiadiau or North La-kota lami. This mill Is located lu the Bed River Valley and a good mou.y uxaker. Ad- ihess 'I Tribune. A It t'HA DTs EB US1N ESS FOR or more cheap, clear laou.

Other exchanges Will be In city Aug. 1 to 4. 11 sctiiie offers. Adureas M. F.

Mnguuaou, general dv livery, Mliiu-jnpolU, Minu. WANT A QUARTER SECTION NORTHERN iiiipioml or unimprov-rd prairie Ihu'I, clear, for largo, N. city property. Semi discription aiei price In lotler. 11.

ilaliuer, Barnesviile, Minn. TO EXCHANGE FROM 1 TO 80 "BARRELS best giade uiastur lenient palut for rooiihg, posta or Iron work. Goatanteed 5 years, 'taken un debt. Make offer. W.

A. Kerr, 2721 1st av S. 441 trade or sell 40 acrci, 20 miles front city. Sell good on both; snaps. F.

K. McLaugli.ln, 330 Tempie Court. TO LXCliANGb FOR EXCHANGE for 1 can uso. a practicaiiy new self -playing piano, cost $70o. What have you? W.

U. Brown. oloNew Vork Life. Main 70. FINE IMPLEMENT BUSINESS DOING laiO per year business, mneapolia.

Will take good Improved farm. 'Ibis is suap. E. McLaughlin, 330 'Temple Court. TO EXCHANGE WILL TRADE A TWO.

acated inub'-r tired carriage lor autone blie i accessories or liiuU' h. J. A. I rump, Bobiiius-daie, Minu. Tel.

Ilyland al J2. TO EXCHANGE GOOD MERCHANDISE FOR an autouiomie; must be late model and In hrst-cass ctinilltlou. Address A. Neiaou, Newark. 8.

11. TO-EXCHANG HA A FU IT RE id oak, mahogany and leather finished for (ash, gold wal.u ur tailoring, 25ia Central av. All new. TO EXCHANGE EQUITY- IN NEW FIVE- rooin cottage for grocery or automobile, bard-wood buiHi aud lloors. llausou, 714 Plymouth Bldg.

TO "EXCHANGE "e.RO"oMlI0U8EMODEHN except hull, would like to exchange, lor partly Improved larua or land. 3-J37 2nd av 8. TO L'XCHANGEWILli TRAD LOTS FOR automubile, will give you good deal as 1 waut tue car, at once. Adoresa Boat) Tribune. ALLM0D.

em room new, would trade for smaller, not to exceed fclve location. TO EXCHANGE FUR W0RX OR FURS FOB coal or wood. Address 11303 Tribune. To Exchange Real Estate. WILL EXCHANGE INCOME OR IMPROVED Mmut-aittJitto pruperty or ud Wiecuuain furui landa fur gtioij iv-an utral xuercbaudisa fclick, til M(Jil('i, de FRiaSKLL, 3u2 Audrua Biurf.

600 t-OUIS OOUNTY luko fciiuio, half tumerai retjurve. i'rice, civh wiil trade, whut have you' Aktii'son, l.iinlHtri'iii, Mjuiu ALL OF EXCHANGES WE CAN EX- Ltiaiifcu wiiut you want tor property yuu Uun't aut bring your eicl-angrg, lavia, 412 Norinwesdt'in lJuiiding. TO -EXCHANG WAUT AFirvSt CLASS model duplex for A No. 1 liauviiie cuuiity funu, mar tu Htuttou. Owner la city Aug, 1.

AtuircwB 'Tribune. WAiTLD -TO SELX 0BTRADE FOE CITY jMoiumy, hd acrea of tlniber land lu Clur-wnter (tiumy, Minuota. AddrtHa Soreky, fill Was.iiiL:tu av N. TO EXCHANG .0 ACRE CALIFORNIA raneu to tsxenange fur M. Faui ur Miuiie-apoiia Income ptoperty.

A. 11. lioake, yy2 av, Ht. i'aul. TO HA GEWE AV Efl ER A Mlif-iieoia tunua to echaunv for city prup-erty atticks of gond.s.

Tho Kelly Land 819 l.umtif'r IsctiaLgu. TO EXCHANOE I'OURROOM HOUSE AND barn, ou two iui lota, mr or lflU acre lurm to Muait'Hpolia. Owner, 4418 4-inl av Pi, Mmii'-'iialta. CALL 0NFIELD-BEHG 721 PALACE iidg.t if you to exenttnge any kmd of eHiata, laud or your butdneaa, can deal wild you. TO EXCHANGE-CHOUSE AND LOT FOR atnek ol gioeoriea.

I'rice iiiorlfcufe'e Xtentd for fib per montn. Address Ji.j.iU Tribune. 10 ACRES SOUTHERN MINNESOTA, WELL Improved lai'in lor well located improved 40 acres near Mluueapulls or bt. Paul. Either phone 273.

TO EXCHANGE WE HAVE A GOOD FARM to trade tor a good 0 or i passenger auiomo' bile, il.e Laud 310 Lumber Exchange. TO EXCHANGE WILL TRADE FIRST-CLASS W'csteru Minnesota hotel tor laud or Jaim. Good towu aud good business. Address '165 1 rlbiine. 10 EXCHANGE WANTED TO TRADE FOR aud buggy or leuin, good 40-loot flout lot on 23th uv and 4-nd at S.

2211 bVs at S. TO EXCHANGE WE HAVE A $25,000 lg- family toil to exchange tor laud or slock of liierclmlidlse. Incuuibi auce 91.I.A). i he Kuliy Laud 319 Lumber Exrbnuge. FOR SALE OK EXCHANGE 80 ACRES OF land iu Wisconsin, to iu cultivation, to be ex.

hanged al once. Address Zbda Tribune. FOR. SALE PARTLY IMPROVED MINNES0- ta lnnd, would like cheap lot us pint pa.vtneut. Address AU i0 i rlbune.

T0EXCHANGS WILL TAKE GOOD COW lirst pn.Miuni ou good lot, balance time to suit, all at 1101 I 'Ion av N. TO EXCHANGE WANT MINNESOTA FARM close to luige clly In trade for South Dakota farm. B421 Tribune. WANTED TW0-CLEAB LOTS AND SOME money for 12 room duplex. Close In.

Tel. J. ii. perry, owuer. l- ROOM" COTTAGE, THIB IS ABARGAIN.

tjilO on easy montldy tertlia. 4110 42nd av S' STOCK GENERAL MERCHANDISE FOR LAND. Address lake. N. 1).

TO EXCHANGE 80 ACRES IN POPF. oounty, fur automobile. SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, Lot and canh for nqulty. nave nice little oottag, newly remodeled, with gna, water, wwer, cistern, toilet, band-aome fixtures, hardwood finish downstairs, six rooms all told, three bedrooms; equity $1,530 for good lot or lota arid some cash; rents $20 per month, located 2P-23 Grand av. Bee Mc-Elroy, 210 Andrus Center SiiO.

1h WILL TRADE EQUITY IN 10 AOBE8 land In Kittson county for good nuto- mobile and some cash. All meadow land; loo ncren cropped last ear. -v- btate model. ft ft -X- ADDBF.BB Z371 2. ft TBIBL'NE, ft 4 4f WILL EXCHANGE S20 ACRES CLEAR X- timber and meadow laud In Itaacn county, SVJ miles from Deer Hirer, ft (or city property.

ADPHES8 Z37D ft ft TIllBL'NB. FOB EXCHANGE -X- Wn hare several good city propertlee to exchange for farms near Twin Cities. ft ft S. REALTY 210 221 Plymouth Minneapolis, Minn. TO EXCHANGE 10-ROOM HOUSE IN ft 8t.

Iaiuis, bringing SOO monthly rental; will pay for Minneapolis city property, value $7. MINNESOTA BEAI.TY 7rT Globe Minneapolis, Minn. ft ft ft ft ft ft 40 ACRES." i ROOM HOUSE LAR0E barn. Store. All In cultivation, 7 miles from city.

Equity $5,000, for city property; prefer garage. Tin clear, unimproved (joartern for city property. is) ucrB, clear nt $20 for $7,000 shoe sto'k for land. 4i shares lndimtrtal atck for land. We have a lafce list of exchange.

BAKHKrr GlI.IIErt. 520l.uinber Kx'bange, Mlniieapolla. CHOICE 400-ACBE FARM FOR EXCHANGE $1J5 jK-r acie, two miles from town, all ftneed and crons fenced. mortgage, duo in in, Ave and one half per cent. Kqulty for A 1 standard np -to date flour ailll.

In wheat raising motion. No old played out mill will go, must be clear of mortgage. In running order, doing merchantable and customer business, bencrlne fully what you offer letter, location, sine, machinery, shipping facilities, etc. Only A 1. O.

K. proirty will be considered. Cbas. V. McUure, Greene, Iowa.

820 ACRES FOB EXCHANGE Will exchange 320 nuren of land In western North I'aiiota for modern or 8 room residence in Minneapolis or Kt. Pnnl; duplex would be; property roust be lo. ated In g'sid residence district near public schools and have nil conveuiencen of modern home. Interested parties tall on or communicate with me at once. C.

li. liuriy, Y. M. 0. Kt.Paul, Mlnn.

I OWN A LARGE NUMBER OF ALMOST new, ttairougtny well built, well located snd well rented unslern residences in 8t Joseph; PS) choice close la residence lota; hnlf nee-lion land, which 1 wish to exchange on a basin of actual valaen for Inrgn tract of low priced land In Michigan. Wlscon nln ur Minuesola, nuitabln fur colonization purpiiBes. Wlllln It. Hunger. BIT lTrnucm 8t.

J'epb. Mo. WILL 2RALE 1608 til P. FIVt- passenger Locomobile worth for ft ft farm land near Minneapolis. Go.

11. bt. (Talr, 2tJ2 N. Y. Life Mlnno- apolls.

ft HEAL ESTATE 620-ACRE FARM 60 MILES from gii.i.ooO worm of bul.dmgs in good co'adiiiitn on this farm; 4ou acres cui-tlvatel, bavsnoe meadow and pasturn laud; fenced aud cross fenced; one of the Oneat farms In the county. Will exchange for Income property or unimproved landn. MIIVV'AB BIIO.1., 123 Guaranty Mlnneapolln, Minn. TO EXCHANGE 125 ACRES" ON IRON range, bail mde lake suore, 6 tuiien xiortn mining town Taoouite, lies level, easily cii-ar -J. Price $1.1 Including all mineral rights or will trade equity for improved or unimproved residence prooerty in i-igbtb or Thhttfiitb ward.

K. W. Little, 424 Flour Exchange. TO EXCHANGE I 1(3 $300 woi-tb good printing; will exchaugn ten acres eicelletit fnilt and garden land, right ou lailway; rash value ioo. guaranteed title; gieat dairying, live nloi poultry section; heavy piotttabh) crops, grains, alfalfa, hgs, oraxiges, peaches.

Adilxean ioJil Tribune. farm, all under i ult! ration, level, 2 wiles eouiu of ciiy lliiiiis, 14 mile from Lyudale and (icctrlc line; 4-rmuu bouse, baru, well aud pump, Exchange fir city property or Minnesota, South or North Dakota land. H. 11 a 'b hoe ut Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 8 ACRES, i ilUIT lurm, with 23 peach tieea, 13 apple treea, 11 pear trees, 2 plum trees, 6 cherry trees, 12 grape vines, 3o ciu'iant bushes, Ksj gooseberry bushes, 2 crubapple trees, and room bouse, with barn and 7 lots; b0 175, In Illinois.

Address Blo7 Tiibune. fiOO-WORTH OF NEWvVLLPAPEa, AND loo grade, all nice patterns, suitable for balls, parlors, Churches, libraries, dining rooms end kitcbeus; to exchange for one or two building lots, worth $300; lots must be clear and lu good locatlou. Box Anoka, Mlun. T0EXCHANG 10-BOOM HOUSE, IN GOOD conditlou, three large choice lots, nice abade titea, corner Ehierson and t3rd; to exchange for improved or unimproved city or farm property. clear.

WUl assume rxiort-gnge. II. 11. Leach ft 4 'JO Phoenix Bldg. 10 EXCHANGE OR FOR SALE FOB HOUSE aud lot In Minneapolis, bo acre farm, near large town on beautiful lake.

Good buildings, telephone, rural delivery, school; bull rest timber; price, cash, Adureas Route 1, Box 72, Detroit, Minn. 10 EXCHANOESOUTH DAKOTA FARM3. Flue, Unproved loo lu Browu county, tHO lu fsplnit, hardware, implements, one or two quartern in Miner, merchandise or $acome. ill consider buildings, bend full particulars. B.g list.

J. E. llnxiltt, Marlon, H. V. TO EXCHANGE WE HAVE FOR EXCHANGE for clly property or stocks of goods, seg.

34-33 8(1 twp. 11, range Mauitobu, 40 miles east of innlpeg and 4 miles of food towns. Every foot piow land. The Kelly 3111 Lumber Exchange. GROCERY.

MEAT MARKET. CONFECTION-ery, saloon, automobile, milk route, jewelry, rooming house, bakery, gmerul atore, teie-phona exchange aud other business chaucea to trade for real esiato. Northwestern Business Agency, Bank CuumeroeBldg. TO EXCHANGE DO YOU WANT MY PH0P-erty iu Texas; see uae, I have 15.00U acres to exchange for northern property; also $12,000 worth left of good clly property and land. Gulf Cont country.

McGoospeed, l-loo Billot av, Minneapolis. TO EXCHANGE MY STOCK" OF GROCERIES for land or Income aa 1 am no merchant, stock Invoices at $1,000, lucluuing $12,000 no Interest for some. 0 moulhs. Keep this ad aud inquire of owner. Alia, Iowa, K.

3, Box 41. THREE BUILDING LOTS FOR MODERN COT-tagu south of Lake st, north of Sato and west of Lyudale. AUMN'lltONU-BRiaOS REALTY Main 1373. 722 Plymouth HIdg.Center S36. GOOD 8-ROOM" MODERN HOUSE ON COLFAX av 8 for a 8 room milage west of l.yndale, or will accept trade on Improved farm laud.

ARMSTRONG IUUGGS ii MALTY Main 1373. 722 Piymouih Uldg. Center 838. NEW HOTEL, FURNISHED COMPLETE, HED Biver Valiev, MoriTsou county, for nale or exchange; this is snap for nuy onn wauting hotel business: would takn city property, land or merchandise. 822 Northern Laud Oo.

ciTiTrp xr in.HflflM HOUSE. $8,000. M0RT- oie 12.0011: modern 17-room bouBe wtth large grounds, $19,000, mortgage ex-clauge either for prairie land. T. li.

Daly, 702 Palace Minneapolis. wiitifixTn '42-HOOM STEAM brli a flats, rental Exchange for clear farm or first-class slock general merchandise. Vhii Norman, Camden, Mluueapolla. North 2470. T0EXCHANGE GENERAL MERCHANDISE invoicing $5,300, counly sent town, will trade for land or city property, must have $1,500 casb, Bftblna, 418 1'hcuiilx bldg, MliruaaiioilA IiAlir A I.TNOQI'IST.

1M ll.UK. Main 10T.1. Annex 340. M1NNEWASHTA PRUIT AND GARDEN AC -HKS. Itipht at Mlnnewaslna atatton, near I.akea Miuuelunl-iH anil llini-wM'-liTfl.

have a few line traits lift. HJ acres t' acrca nice little liuiix. painted, screened purr l. concrete founiltuiiiu, cellar, larjre clpterti, apple wnne lieiinug, price H.tViO. Seven ycara time on part, have nore land adjnln-tag; 4 acres right at siation, nivnse, barn well, large elm trees, ldu apple trees, amue tearing.

terms. A. D. Kads, 821 1'al- ace Hldg. Center 8 la.

MINNETOKKA FOB SALE, NICE IO ACRE fruit farm, illnnetnnka townahlp, near tmlley (nation and store. loO apple trees, ('berries and plums and small fruit. A bargain. B15 Tribune. Minnetonka To Let.

KTNNETONKA FKOPEBTV nr For Rent Lincoln cotlage. on Big Island, first-class condition, nicely fur- 4f nlabed. acn-eni porches, ice aud fuel put up. Wiil make special concessions for balance of season. MOORE BRACE A 811 Nicollet a.

to LEI mama month of august onlt, completely furnished, new bungalow, running water, use of nrsi-claaa aall lioat and row boat, j'art use of garden, located directly on Clinatmaa lake, 1 minute's walk from car 8 blocks from (ilea Morris Inn: rate, references desired. 'Phona Nicollet liitH. TONKA BAY LADY AND LITTLE DAVGK-ter wish to share their four room cotlags ith congenial part lea. Married coupla or some ladies. Kpleinlld chance for reat and enjoyment at kinall eipense.

A. W. 2f12 Oakland av. Phone Calhuua 2118. lijNNETONKA TWO "COTTAGES F5B BENT at bpriug Park for August.

Five rooms and with scn-ened porches and furnished with rowbont, and t-o. Call today. K. Carl-aon. i17 1st av H.

T. C. Calhoun 22hl. ijESD YOUB" VACATION AT LAKE VIEW Inu, Tonka Bav, IT and up for room and board; good flsiilug, bathing. N.

W. phone 5 call 2. Minnetonka Wanted. I WANT TO BUY A MINNET0N4A LAKE allure lot. State locatlou ami price.

Will pay cash. Ad.lresa A P93 Tribune. Canadian Lands. 8,000 ACRES IN SOUTHEAST- -X-X- ern Haskatcbewaa, the best sec- tiou of Canada, where crop fail- 45- tires aro unknown. This land, 4fr while largely prairie, la dotted with small poplar groves, mak- lug enoellent ahelter for Block Aj- and bulldliiKS.

Wood water can -5r y. be had at IB to 40 feel. Price -i 15 per acre, part caah, balance time. Will eU section or mora. j- rr HAOERTY-ORAN LAND H6 Plymouth Minneapolis, Minn.

I SOLID SECTION OF NO. 1 WHEAT LAND, all tillable, heavy soil, about loo acres in crop, one mil from Galnsboro, aoothesstern Baskatchewan; 18 per acre; reasonable terms. lhO acrea of heavy prairie laud, lying nice, excellent soil, practically all plow land, outheaatera Saskatchewan, four milea from town; fltt per acre. Reasonable terms. 208, Hi4N 2d at, Mlnnesiwlls.

BOW 10 MAKE" 16.000 WITH $100 INVEST-nient. lou pay to per acre for land In aunuy Alberta, when I can locate you on gaid wheat land homestead near line of proposed transcontinental railroad now building and for about 35 cents per acre. For particulars adureas D. It. Woodco*ck, Goddard, via Warner, Alta, Can.

LANDS at (12 an acre, for sale. In and around Inwusiiip 20, range Is. Manitoba; sworn to near rlpt ion with each parcel. Must bo sold en bloc at thla price. HAWNAS'S AGENCY, portage la Prairie, Manitoba.

AiETATEA GOOD QUABTEB 8E0-ti in of wheat land In aunny southern Alberta for 2ti. Buy now and reap the bsueuta of reclpioclty. Clarence W. Lee. 629 Aiidrus Montana Lands.

MONTANA P1I N'T HKL1KK 11. That furmer were ft-tUug 4 uu-it, what tr acre tills year, eo rtKle iui-H ttirtMilt nrijUty s.clt look-1q grgln, uuii hh t-r vnrr; v't. No wouUtr Valley itiitr Ihth got rich and f-t Liie vri-riit uub nuuud anleep, or ti. nj, The rtuuM'lhent, d'pewt. 'Biiri-fr uiii'l, (roiu riroulU anJ Lt.j tiiUj itj't, Hh.l uuitU bli.ziirflu, by lew niig fa- uuui tii.

'1 jihImt in tht UdH iii' 'u 1 1 I n-'l iial lt1 diKKiiiK, yMt U'i- in iiig i ut it surface; iu, MJiug k'H un a re, iasy tt-rum. t- tv'A tit it, tun! nir heads nff. tin M'i'lion ail ft -in-fd, and uii Hie iituri idf- nf iu-' fviir. lipttt, oals, ba rU aid rta, ut L'ii, uii'i Ht-i i'uttiug alfHli'a at: ill k. i fiit uirnin Aug.

15. Cheap ratua dy. i via r-'itud trip.t hi 1 1. 1 Miriiplt'c of grain we and aiug Luri-ir rr. We'll l.iit-' j-'U in big ut tm (4j il'r utsd nhow the hi iu iitik tb Hie wtlltTf Mi i fbiriit-ra.

Ii. a th. tike tt aft'T two i a i ti iat. S' hew tin rhac an(l'iM' HtiM tifr With alllH'M in of agtiita to htSp HitQ -f tiiii- kiy. i'l'uu' T.

S. ai- F. uA hw.u Ind 27i1 Prtland a. IIL SfLL HALF 7. runtc 3.

nttuie f-iiit jr Mirni I'T JT.Vi jmt a- re if suid hv A z. I -i lr ntuw Litif cHh. l.nn a M-'d Jj i't Lurk 1 u. s.

h. ifcT A "JAIiM IN THE BIO ASI OUNTR Hi Tt-iarji! til, a It wi i ina kf ytm rich. T-i tuK. r.t" fr map aud full .1. liam liud iri-at Mt'H'fiMt.

NE SECTION STEAM PLOW LAND IN THE luUx'Ui- ii Milit Molilalia, an t(-ru, :n.i.!; mm ml within J. Beiiuett, i'6i Acidnif DKrBTEAIS CAN LOCATE 4i rw on pii uwi ttiiw winter tiii full. Half UTti'-n for aile, all VvC'-X. I'li-rt'llja Bidg. AChhB NTAR TLHRV, 860 IN CBOPi k'4 Uik'-a a.i; iu Vaiii-y, 2u ttoutii N.

auap at 13. Texas Lands. JPECIAL BA.RGAINS THIS TEK, FAEMg iiij Htoi-fe. urn' uiU'-ry hud fin enrjpa. Out listing with (Mit -rly.

are h'g and tut. iUuf caii't rrop fann aftf-r luy t-i iiM-ii. (un- (pi-: if wasi! hotter a rrnfc i.ut I. that irtui'tR torn jmr In 1 lit, B'r nin Fiank 4ti Ai'dni l.idi;, E60P "irvtL CLAY LOAM LIGHT FEONT- oi t-siiail ing -r ti jl Ink uiily rah UMi. r-m fraitu- ii'OH', umiitl berB.

St) iitw vtr- ft iiv-d. S- ciaritjg and id'iu ur Ktid otdy tmr tfilU'H V'i (i't iiiii' ry im, h'-MC Want t'- ht il tjuirk, i' inMO, St, Ciolx IuHa, Wis. California Lands. MAKE A SURE SHOT. Only 1.

day a twoi- tin-n f250 an -ft. 10- fn.i!t trai-krj in rtiii-T in I'lty-mifdu. U-l i)lii'y i-ltit(-d jjhd tMri('g fruit y-'ar. A hit in Htuit-ut nud i i nit-fc it'' 'ly in a JiUiH print ti yor j.iiri fcui.j uf i i vt Uitt istury w.tli -iii. Avih fnU ii.

aKkf.Hira, X. a. CaUioua 27U Fwl- trees. ludmlll and running atrenm on pace. Prlc Realty -Ttgtrrr riTsv' rr-inis.

iViinucsoia 707 Globe Miuneapolla, Minn. FOR SALE BY OWNER 4CI6-ACRE FARMIi3 Lac qui i'ur'e couiio, Minuesola; partly Improved, biiiall pail brekeu; buyer can break balance and have new land; good noli- either iod stock or grain farm; two good markets within about 5 miles. Will tell at a bargain. Lasy terms. W.

Summers, 80 Cedar Lakn road, Minneapolis. Minn. 60 ACRES, 8 MILES FROM ANOKA, 16 TO Miniieupolis, ou main road, K. F. L).

and telephone Hue, 40 acres cultivated, 10 pasture, and iu crops, team, harness, farm ma-chiuery, 7 cowa, 100 chickens, 5-rooin house, barn, grauery, heu house, price Kaajr terms, liiimedlate posesalon. J. T. Duuu, Anoka, Minn. REAL ESi'ATE FOlFSALE CHEAP, ON AO-count of b.ckm as.

SO acre farm, Willi good buildings, well and running stream through land; 2.1 acres of held, 20 ucres of meadow, balance pasture; 3 Hi miles from Monticello. Wright county. Write John Ollberg, Boute No. 3. Box 72, Monticello, Mlun.

DUE TO SICKNESS, WILL SELL MY 178 improved dairy faint Polk counly, nnesoia. GismI living house, large barn, located In 10-acre grove. Flowing veil, eight miles from railroad town, 20 milk cowa for sale or rent. Will siierlnoe for $13 per acre. 11.

Beiuole, 021 2Hh St. AFiNEFARM OF 287CRESLAND, ALL level, g's black soli, three miles from good toe.u, four lilies f'Oin the Iowa line, luir buildings, nearly all under feu. e. W.U tuke stock of agricultural implements in exchange. Tnis Is a snap, write.

W. 11. Lee, Valley, Minn. bargains in southern Minnesota. Have for sale over 40 farms in Brown and adjoining counties, ho to O40-acre farms, easy teiins, number to trade for merchandise, clothing, hardware, drug Block or city property.

Address A. Wooldrick, Sleepy Lye. Minn. REAL ESTATE FOR "SALE: A LIMITED number of homesteads, relinquishments In Montana from 2 to miles from a good city on the Great Northern railway. Price, to $000.

homesteads are worth while looking into. If Interested address 11024 Tribune. 60 ACRE 6 "MILES FROM TOWN, 40 miles l'loin 35 acres under plow, lo a res hue ineiidovv, balance timber pasture. Complete set of good buildings. Good soil.

Price, $3,000, $70o cash, loLg time on bal-luii e. T. 11. Italy, 7u2 Palace Minne-a polls. Xm CLOSING OUT SOME CHOICE PIECES farm lands at low nmes.

Among tb.s is ill acres 3 miles from Wahkon. on Soo railroad, near Milie La' a lake, nice land, good soil, only $13 pi acre, baa worth u.ce timber on It. Box 253, Bush City, Minn. BEAUTIFUL" WHITE RIVER VALLEY FARM lou hi ins hill land, l-io In timoer, 30 In orchard, bouse, l.iiiu. spilng.

Is mile scho.j ami thiinh. 10 miles Lulesville. price Iniuimaiii'ii free, dimply let us know your wants. Hum Hi. b.

Hulesvlile, Ark DO YOU- WANT" A HOME BY THE LAKEI Buy an bo aiue farm with good lake snore frontage near prorqterous towu. Lxeelient oil. Knsy terms, $13 an acre. Good farming comm Hilly. For part imlur apply Andrews i liutcher.

17 l'alnce Blug, Minneauolln. GET A GOOD" CLAY LOAM FARM IN" MILLE Lacs counly, only bo uniea out, bO acres only $12.50 an acre, 10 years payment plan. Experienced Held agent shows you around. nil nt our office for map. etc.

A. E. John-sou 3n0 1st av Mlnneapotia. REALE3TATE G00D BOIL," 8URFACEAND location--ut right prices. 80 acres tip-top clay loam land with new frame bouse and good sized clearing at the bargain price ot only $25o cash down.

Ask about It. lister St. Croix laiis. Wis. atTACRE ARM FOR SALE" YEARS broke, balance In timber, good soil, fair set of buildings, and wed, 1 tuties nuttbwest of Stacv.

Minn. Owner. Sotie Lludbloom, Stacy. Box 6. H.

F. I). No. 1. 440 ACRES OF GOOD FARM LAND! PART beaviiy timbered, part cleared, clay soil; located in rich farming district near St.

Cloud ami within 5 miles of three railroad polula; price $15 per acie; easy terms. Farmers' Lnii luv. St. Cloud. Minn.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, IMPROVED AND unimproved lands in and Wisconsin. Smne bargains near the Twin Cities. Also iu residential aud business property. Laud Ljepiirtmeiit, Industrial Securities Cor-lKiiatlon, C22 Flour Exchange. TCO-ACRE FARM.

WELL IMPROVED; SIX miles from county scat. Will take $1,400. Itlo acres, 0 miles, 41 bold, feet saw timber, 5o0 cords wood, bouse, barn, granary, machine shed, good water, $1,500. W. Wright, riliakopee, Mum.

MONEY MAKERS 1'iO, HAW PRAIRIE, NEAR troitkstou, Hed Itlver val.ey; very hue; oiuy $17; aisu several cultivated 160 tracts at $30 to $3o; same loiality; big bargains. Koukie, owntr, 1023 Lumber Excoauge bldg. LAND FOR SALE HI acres tine iand, id nines from excellent soil, timber, hay, water, $loo down, lo yeara in whu to pay balauce. lienver. 02!) Plymouth Building.

FOR 'SALE 160 ACRES. THE SOUTHEAST quarter of section 12. towusulp loi, range 44. located 4 iiiiles northeast of Bed Laae Fails, Minn. Fur further Information write to W.

C. Gtsy, Genoa, Colo. DO THIS OPPORTUNITY; 40 acre farms In ltayileld county, Wisconsin, $10 per acre; terms, $1 per acre down, balance $10 per month, act Lugeue Carl-sun. tit'7 N.

V. Uldg. RAILROAD LANDS FOR BALE ON L0N0 time, excellent chaucu for wage earner to seciiio a good farm, bales Solicitor, Bock Island railroad (lands), 233 Security Bank bldg. GREAT BARGAIN 40 ACHES AT $4ta. CLAY loiiui soil, gently rolling, tig milea troin Frederic, is.

John llelllor, OlO Temple Court, MiiLueupolis. Center 2703; Mcollut 32uo. REAL ESI ATE FOR SALE, 180 ACRES NEAR lio. linger, N. tine soil, ail can be culti-lated, excellent waier, price $21 per acre, will trade fur holme lu Minneapolis.

B04 Trlh- uue. LOOKING FOR THE BEST APPLE ORCHARD aud home you cuu hud? lound Muat sell part of mine in beautiful Buier Boot Valley, Moiuana, W'eiiy. 20 Madison, Chicago. WANTED SETTLERS FOR NATION'S GAR" den spot of eastern North Caroliua. Free I a i nit obtained by cmb pvin.

C. i. IJ. bl7 Southern Wiluaugtun, N. C.

REAL ESlTlE SNAPT LlTgANT (nUABTLH r-ecti 'U. 3 nulcs I coin towu, 60 acres in win ut. lturpiiu in $22 per acre. Michigan iiv Bank. Michigan City, N.

D. FARHLS LOOKING FOR GOOD FARMS snouid send for my bulletin describlug over 2o0 lurm burgtiius and thousanda of acres wild laud. Akersou, l.linlstiMni, Mum. REAL ESTATE LANDS, SACRIFICE 160 acres near 1 uulktoii, worth will aell for My loss is your gain. Uiry aea-sou.

Hobart, Photulx Bldg. 40ACRES LAND, GOOD BIG BARN7SMALL 12 uiil'-s unrtli of Minueapolln, ou the river road, i'r ce Aug. ljifstreue, 0a-sco, route 2, Box 4. RE A iTe A 6 AL E0R TRADE, 80 tine Wisn.iihin land; Will sell on easy terms or for nnythlng I can tiso. Ad-dret-s 'Js-JI Freui'-iit av H.

REAL ESTATE IMPROVED FARMS LGCAT. ed 40 n. lo east of st, Paul lu Poik county Wis. description and price address Paul osceola. VMs.

160 ACRES FOR SALE 0B TRADE FOR TWIN city property In row Wing county, beautiful lake shore with buildings. Address PS55, 'Tribune. FREE CATALOG-OF" FINE IMPROVED FARMS neiir Miiiiieap.it1. i nil or write, iraiib Brothers Co. capital $100,000.

Hennepin 3d. 800 ACRE RIVER BOTTOM FARM, FINEST gin. ii laud, improvements, cheapest farm in nation, $75 per acre. F. Gwin, Shoals, Ind.

FOR" GOOD LAND, well atered, mil uud hay meadow, bo tons; i. ear creaioeiy. It, Whltaker, Bice Lake, Wis. HEAL ESTATE 40 ACRES, EXCEL, slur, block to station, rich noil. Maple tim ber.

Hobart, in rung. UPHOLSTEBING. HAIR, MOSS MATTRESSES RENOVATED fumigating, oihers, 11.30; upholst lug, re pairing, uuysx ueaoyniug io mi la iiaa nt. 1 xtwmmmm jm1 iu ii'ioi'n. i i i I' ki 'it1:.

Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)


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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.