| Messages (2025)

IUCN (Fiji-based): Protected and Conserved Areas Programme Coordinator (re-advertisement): 2022/166

Wilco Liebregts
  • All Messages By This Member


Please find Pacific Vacancies Announcement No. 2022/166 | Messages (2)

Protectedand Conserved Areas Programme Coordinator

TheProtected and Conserved Areas Programme Coordinatoris responsible for overseeing all aspects of ORO’s Protected and ConservedAreas Programme (PACAP), including the BIOPAMA project. This includes projectimplementation, staff management, and reporting, monitoring and strategicdevelopment. In addition, this position is the focal point for the IUCN GlobalProtected Areas Programme (GPAP) and World Heritage Programme, and isresponsible for OROs engagement with and requirements related to thesedivisions..


Specific duties include, but are not limited tothe following:

Programme management

·Oversee thedevelopment, implementation, monitoring and reporting of annual budgets andwork plans for PACAP activities and projects;

·Manage PACAP staffin accordance with IUCN human resource policies, including building capacitythrough project work, secondments, mentoring and training opportunities;

·Sound financial andbudget management of PACAP activities, including ensuring that procurementprocesses follow IUCN procedures, record-keeping systems are in place andreporting is undertaken in accordance with donor requirements;

·Manage theimplementation of the Biodiversity and Protected Areas Programme (BIOPAMA) inaccordance with the ORO-GPAP Implementation Agreement, including (but notlimited to) managing the contractual arrangements for the Resource and Data Hub(SPREP), Action Component grant facility, preparation of technical reports andcapacity building support activities.

·Oversee IUCN’stechnical support to members and partners in the region for protected andconserved areas;
Promote protected and conserved areas as aneffective strategy to halt biodiversity loss, mitigate the impacts of climatechange and enhance community well-being;

·Foster a strongerunderstanding and wider adoption of IUCN tools and standards in the region suchas the Green List;

·Expand the qualityand coverage of IUCN publications focusing on the design and management ofprotected and conserved areas in Oceania;

·Support andinfluence policy mechanisms and strategies that expand and enhance theimplementation of protected and conserved areas (e.g., national strategies);

·Represent theOceania region at relevant forums, working groups and workshops.Partner engagement and communication.

·Foster and promotestrong relationships with donors and other partners (e.g., SPREP, NGOs andnational governments);

·Act as the focalpoint for protected areas issues, particularly concerning collaboration andpartnership with headquarters, IUCN members and commissions and partners;

·Develop and maintaina robust working partnership with the WCPA based on respect and mutually agreedexpectation levels;

·Ensure that allcommunication materials, including the IUCN website are innovative, accurateand comprehensive.Strategic development

·Identify and developopportunities for partnerships and collaboration with relevant organisationsand donors to expand the protected and conserved areas portfolio of projectsand activities;

·Contribute to thedevelopment and writing of IUCN proposals.

Institutional Support

·Represent IUCN inthe region in a way that promotes IUCN's mission and enhances the status of theUnion among decision-making bodies, intergovernmental agencies, nongovernmentalorganizations and the private sector;

·Participate andsupport ORO activities in the region as required;

·In collaborationwith the Membership focal point, support the implementation of the IUCNMembership Strategy.



Advanced degree in biodiversity conservation or arelated field, with a focus on protected and conserved areas.

Experience and competencies

·Minimum of 10 year’spost-qualification experience in the management of protected and conservedareas;

·Excellent knowledge of contemporary protected areatheory and practice;

·Experience in communicating and collaborating withmanagement agencies, academic institutions and local, national and regionalstakeholders to achieve agreed collective outcomes;

·Extensiveexperience in managing and supporting donor funded projects;

·Demonstrated experience in capacity building andworking as a facilitator or trainer in a multi-cultural setting;

·Fluent English (verbal/written) with excellentcommunication and presentation skills;

·Proficient in using office applications (MSWord/Excel/PowerPoint) and other web-based management systems;

·Ability to travel frequently as the positionrequires regular travel to ACP countries in the region and to internationalmeetings and events at a minimum of six missions per year (on average)


Applicantsare requested to apply online through the IUCN HR Management System by openingthe vacancy announcement and pressing the "Apply" button at:

Only short-listed candidates will be notified

IUCNis an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applications from qualified womenand men.



ECONSULTPACIFIC provides this vacancy announcement to those specialists on our databasewho have provided us with an email address and who have voluntarily subscribed.Unless otherwise indicated, ECO-CONSULT PACIFIC is not and will not be involvedin the selection process, nor in any of the negotiations for the position, andwill not claim any charges from the specialists.

The vacancies are obtained from regional and internationalorganizations,magazines, newspapers and colleagues. Although we will do our best to relate toyou the details on the positions as they have been provided to us, it is
possible that some information may be incorrect or outdated. ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC advises those interested in a vacancy to contact the advertisingorganization directly for specific details on the position. ECO-CONSULT
PACIFIC will not accept any liability for incorrect information.

Although we have many email recipients for 'Pacific Vacancies', your addresswill remain confidential. If you do not want to receive the vacancyannouncements anymore, please send a blank email to:

Of course, you can always join again later, by sending a blank email messageto:

SPC (Fiji-based): Strategy, Performance and Learning (SPL) Intern: 2022/165

Wilco Liebregts
  • All Messages By This Member


Please find Pacific VacanciesAnnouncement No. 2022/165 | Messages (4)

Strategy,Performance and Learning (SPL) Intern

(Fiji Citizens only)

Ø Suva-basedposition (Fiji)

Ø Friendly andsupportive team environment

Ø Join theprincipal development organisation in the Pacific region

The Pacific Community (SPC) invitesapplications for the position of SPL Intern, located at itsregional office in Suva, Fiji.


The Pacific Community (SPC) is the principalscientific and technical organisation in the Pacific region, supportingdevelopment since 1947. We are an international development organisation ownedand governed by our 26 country and territory members. In pursuit of sustainabledevelopment to benefit Pacific people, our organisation works across more than20 sectors. We are known for our knowledge and innovation in such areas asfisheries science, public health surveillance, geoscience, and conservation ofplant genetic resources for food and agriculture.

Strategy, Performance and Learning(SPL) plays a central role in supporting SPC to achieve the objectives of thePacific Community Strategic Plan. As a specialist unit within the Office of theDirector-General, SPL drives cross-organisational initiatives that contributeto the effectiveness of the Pacific Community for our member countries and theregion. SPL core functions include Strategic Planning, Monitoring, Evaluationand Learning (MEL) and Programming. We work with senior leadership and anetwork of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning specialists across theorganisation (MELNET) and seek to ensure learning, sharing and communicatingour learning for specific audience is a key focus of all our activities.

The SPL Intern will provide ahands-on 6 months’ work experience with the Strategy Pillar and will helpcatalogue, document and drive efforts to build detailed plans for theImplementation Plans.

The key responsibilities of the roleinclude:

·Catalogue reference materials, toolsand content developed in the implementation planning process

·Research best practice alignment andfunding opportunities to support advancing the plans

·Help monitor activities related toimplementation planning

·Develop toolkits, tools, materialsto support the planning infrastructure within SPC

For a more detailed accountof the key responsibilities, please refer to the job description providedonline.

Keyselection criteria

Applicants must be either:

·a university student enrolled at a tertiary institution in Fiji in aprogramme of study that has a specific specialisation in a relevant field suchas public administration, management, organisational planning or related field

·an individual who has graduated from a relevant undergraduate degreewithin the previous 12 months

Salary,terms and conditions

Required starting date – As soonas possible

Allowance– FJD $40 per day

Duration– There is onefull-time internship available for 6 months. The duration of the internshipwill depend upon the tertiary institution’s course requirement for a workexperience attachment and not exceeding 6 months.

Working hoursare Monday to Friday 8:00 am–4:30 pm.


ClosingDate25 April 2022 at 11:59pm Fiji time

Applicantsmust apply online at:

Hardcopies of applications will not be accepted.

Tobe considered for this role, you must provide us with:

· a cover letter describing your interest in the internship and why it isimportant to your career development

· an updated resume

· a copy of your course enrolment document

· a copy of grade transcripts that you have completed so far in yourprogramme of study

· a letter of endorsement from the institution confirming that you are acurrent student

· at least two-character reference letters from your lecturer or previousemployer in support of your application

Pleaseensure your documents are in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format.

Only Fijian citizens are eligible to apply for thisrole.



ECONSULTPACIFIC provides this vacancy announcement to those specialists on our databasewho have provided us with an email address and who have voluntarily subscribed.Unless otherwise indicated, ECO-CONSULT PACIFIC is not and will not be involvedin the selection process, nor in any of the negotiations for the position, andwill not claim any charges from the specialists.

The vacancies are obtained from regional and internationalorganizations,magazines, newspapers and colleagues. Although we will do our best to relate toyou the details on the positions as they have been provided to us, it is
possible that some information may be incorrect or outdated. ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC advises those interested in a vacancy to contact the advertisingorganization directly for specific details on the position. ECO-CONSULT
PACIFIC will not accept any liability for incorrect information.

Although we have many email recipients for 'Pacific Vacancies', your addresswill remain confidential. If you do not want to receive the vacancyannouncements anymore, please send a blank email to:

Of course, you can always join again later, by sending a blank email message to:

SPC (Fiji-based): Team Leader - Safe Agricultural Trade Facilitation through Economic Integration in the Pacific (SAFE Pacific) Project: 2022/164

Wilco Liebregts
  • All Messages By This Member


Please find Pacific VacanciesAnnouncement No. 2022/164 | Messages (6)

Team Leader - Safe Agricultural Trade Facilitationthrough Economic Integration in the Pacific (SAFE Pacific) Project

ØSuva-based position (Fiji)

ØCompetitive expatriate package

ØJoin the principal development organisation in theregion

The PacificCommunity (SPC) invites applications for the position of Team Leader - SafeAgricultural Trade Facilitation through Economic Integration in the Pacific(SAFE Pacific) Project, located at its regional office inSuva, Fiji.


The Pacific Community (SPC) is theprincipal scientific and technical organisation in the Pacific region,supporting development since 1947. We are an international developmentorganisation owned and governed by our 26 country and territory members. Inpursuit of sustainable development to benefit Pacific people, our organisationworks across more than 20 sectors. We are known for our knowledge andinnovation in such areas as fisheries science, public health surveillance,geoscience, and conservation of plant genetic resources for food andagriculture.

The Land Resources Division (LRD) provides advice,technical assistance, research and training support to Pacific Island countriesand territories on all aspects of agriculture and forestry. This includes plantprotection, conservation, plant genetic resources, animal health andproduction, agroforestry, biosecurity and trade facilitation, and sustainablesystems for agriculture, forestry and land management. This work has twoobjectives: improved food and nutritional security, and resilient communities.The division’s services are provided through seven technical/thematic teams:Animal Health and Production; Plant Health; Biosecurity and Trade Facilitation;Forest and Agriculture Diversification; Crop Production and Extension; Genetic Resources;and Forests and Trees.

The PacificRegional Integration Support (PRISE) Programme is a EUR 37m programme aimed tosupport greater economic integration among the small and scattered countries ofthe region, and between the Pacific Region and the global economy. The overallobjective is to contribute to improving the economic and social benefits for 15 Pacific countries from the African,Caribbean, Pacific Group of States arising from stronger regionaleconomic integration. SPC is taking the lead in implementing 2 key outputs withan allocation of EUR 12m: Output 1.2 Sanitary and Phytosanitary services areimproved; and Output 2.3: Strengthened competitiveness of sustainableagricultural value-chains in the Pacific. PRISE Outputs 1.2 and 2.3 with the title ‘Safe Agricultural TradeFacilitation through Economic Integration in the Pacific’ (SAFE Pacific)project will be managed and implemented by SPC in all 15 Pacific AfricaCaribbean and Pacific (PACPs) countries.

The role – The Team Leader – SAFE PacificProject will provide technical assistance, value chain development adviceand implementation support to small and medium enterprises, clusters, andproducers organisations in the development of market linkages in theagriculture sector so that these become profitable, bankable, andself-sustaining in the long run.

The key responsibilities of the role include:

Team Performance and Leadership

·Create a team environment, within the project andacross the division that fosters and develops effective working relationships,coordinated interventions and high performance

·Ensure members of the Operational Support Teamare managed effectively (in particular recruitment, performance management, andtraining and development and effective operational management - work planning,reporting, knowledge management, budget management)

Project Management and Coordination

  • Effective management of the donor funding agreement and all its stipulations with regards to technical and financial requirements
  • Ensure that the 2 components of the project (SPS and Value chains) are well coordinated and operational support is provided in a timely manner

Partner Relationship Management

  • Liaise and work closely with all the component areas under the SAFE Pacific programme including PIFS, ADB, UNCTAD
  • Ensure appropriate representation at all SAFE Pacific coordination and steering committee meetings

Sourcing Additional Funding Resources

  • Participate effectively and contribute towards the coordination of overall PRISE Programme
  • Identify potential sources of funds to bolster the work of the components of SAFE Pacific and other LRD teams and ensure the sustainability of SAFE Pacific outcomes

For a more detailed account of the key responsibilities, please refer tothe job description provided online.

Key selectioncriteria


·Apostgraduate degree from a recognised university in a field relevant tomanagement and planning in the agriculture sector

Knowledge and experience

·At least12 years of programme management experience with donors, government ornon-governmental organizations

·Strongleadership skills with ability to manage multicultural teams

·Demonstratedproject/programme management skills, including strong proposal and reportwriting skills

Essential skills

·Proven experience in negotiating, building and maintaining professional,client-focused relationship and mutually beneficial partnerships

·Strong communication and interpersonal skills, creative thinker andability to work independently

Language skills

·Excellent English communication skills (oral andwritten) with a working knowledge of French being an advantage

Interpersonal skills andcultural awareness

·Ability to work in a multicultural, inclusiveand equitable environment

Salary, termsand conditions

Contract Duration – Until 23 March 2025

Due to the current travel restrictions causedby the global COVID-19 pandemic, and the priority SPC places on its staffsafety, health and well-being, please note that there may be delays in takingup the appointment. These matters will be discussed thoroughly with successfulcandidates. In most cases, any appointment and on-boarding would only commencewhen relocation to the duty station is permitted.

Remuneration – The Team Leader – SAFE Pacific Projectis a Band 12 position in SPC’s 2022 salary scale, with a starting salary rangeof 3,478‒4,348 SDR (special drawing rights) per month, which currently convertsto approximately FJD 10,260–12,825 (USD 4,974–6,217; EUR 4,174–5,217). Anoffer of appointment for an initial contract will normally be made in the lowerhalf of this range, with due consideration given to experience andqualifications. Progressionwithin the salary scale will be based on annual performance reviews.Remuneration of expatriate SPC staff members are not subject to income tax inFiji; Fiji nationals employed by SPC in Fiji will be subject to income tax.

Benefits forinternational employees based in Fiji – SPC provides a housing allowance of FJD 1,350–3,000 permonth. Establishment and repatriation grant, removalexpenses, airfares, home leave travel, health and life and disabilityinsurances and education allowances are available for eligible employees andtheir eligible dependents. Employees are entitled to 25 working days of annualleave per annum and other types of leave, and access to SPC’s Provident Fund(contributing 8% of salary, to which SPC adds a matching contribution).

Languages – SPC’s working languages are English andFrench.

Recruitmentprinciples SPC’s recruitment is based on merit andfairness, and candidates are competing in a selection process that is fair,transparent and non-discriminatory. SPC is an equal-opportunity employer,and is committed to cultural and gender diversity, including bilingualism, andwill seek to attract and appoint candidates who respect these values. Dueattention is given to gender equity and the maintenance of strongrepresentation from Pacific Island professionals. If two interviewed candidatesare ranked equal by the selection panel, preference will be given to the PacificIslander.

Applicants will be assured ofcomplete confidentiality in line with SPC’s Privacy Policy.


Closing Date: 9 May 2022 at 11:59pm (Fijitime)

Job Reference: JM000363

Applicants must apply online at:

Hard copies of applications will not beaccepted.

To be considered for this role, youmust provide us with:

·anupdated resume with contact details for three professional referees

·a coverletter detailing your skills, experience and interest in this position

·responsesto all screening questions

Your application will be consideredincomplete and will not be reviewed at shortlisting stage if all the abovedocuments are not provided. Applicants should not attach copies ofqualifications or letters of reference. Please ensure your documents are inMicrosoft Word or Adobe PDF format.

For international staff in Fiji, only one foreign national per familycan be employed with an entity operating in Fiji at any one given time. SPC mayassist on a case-by-case basis with submissions to Fiji Ministry of ForeignAffairs for their consideration and final approval. SPC cannot and does notmake any guarantee whatsoever of approval for such applications to the FijianMinistry of Foreign Affairs and where an application is approved, the spouse orpartner will subject to such terms and conditions as may be set from time totime by the Ministry.

Screening Questions (maximum of2,000 per characters per question):

1.Pleaseprovide examples of donor-funded programmes you have managed. Highlight whatchallenges you faced in programme and financial management, and what you did toovercome these challenges.

2.What doyou consider are the keys to the successful management of a programme involvingcommunities, private and public sector stakeholders across multiple countries?

3.Thinkingabout the specific outputs of the PRISE/SAFE Pacific Project, what do youforesee as the main challenges to implementation of this project and how willyou manage these challenges?



ECONSULTPACIFIC provides this vacancy announcement to those specialists on our databasewho have provided us with an email address and who have voluntarily subscribed.Unless otherwise indicated, ECO-CONSULT PACIFIC is not and will not be involvedin the selection process, nor in any of the negotiations for the position, andwill not claim any charges from the specialists.

The vacancies are obtained from regional and internationalorganizations,magazines, newspapers and colleagues. Although we will do our best to relate toyou the details on the positions as they have been provided to us, it is
possible that some information may be incorrect or outdated. ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC advises those interested in a vacancy to contact the advertisingorganization directly for specific details on the position. ECO-CONSULT
PACIFIC will not accept any liability for incorrect information.

Although we have many email recipients for 'Pacific Vacancies', your addresswill remain confidential. If you do not want to receive the vacancyannouncements anymore, please send a blank email to:

Of course, you can always join again later, by sending a blank email message to:

Palladium: Climate and Grants Officer, Australia Pacific Climate Partnership: 2022/163

Wilco Liebregts
  • All Messages By This Member


Please find Pacific VacanciesAnnouncement No. 2022/163 | Messages (8)

Climateand Grants Officer,Australia Pacific Climate Partnership

About Palladium

Palladiumis a global leader in the design, development and delivery of Positive Impact –the intentional creation of enduring social and economic value. We work withgovernments, businesses, and investors to solve the world's most pressingchallenges. With a team of more than 3,000 employees operating in 90 pluscountries and a global network of over 35,000 experts, we help improveeconomies, societies and, most importantly, people's lives.

About the Australia Pacific Climate Partnership Support Unit

TheAustralia Pacific Climate Partnership (the Climate Partnership) was establishedin 2018 to support Australia’s aid programs to increase the effectiveness ofsupport for climate change action and disaster resilience in the Pacific.

The Climate Partnership Support Unit was established at the outset of thePartnership and is entering its second phase (2022-2024). The Support Unit hasa team of technical experts based in Australia and the Pacific who work withDFAT aid investment program managers and their implementing partners tointegrate climate change and disaster risk reduction, broker and enable betteraccess to actionable climate change and disaster knowledge in the region, andundertake Program-wide monitoring, evaluation and learning.

About the Role

Reportingto the Operations Manager, the Climate and Grants Officer will work closelywith the Climate Partnership’s technical team to provide responsive and robusttechnical support to activity management. This includes support to delivery ofthe program Strategy, with a focus on localisation and disaster resilience, andenabling functions, such as coordinating and engaging technical inputs,preparing and managing contracts and grants, and associated risk management.


Theprimary responsibilities of theClimate and Grants Officerare:

  • Technical assistance and support to Climate Partnership Integration team, including liaison with DFAT programs and implementing partners and broader stakeholder engagement.
  • Work closely with the Climate Partnership team to coordinate/administer activities that support DFAT programs to strengthen integration of climate and disaster resilience.
  • Coordinate and engage technical inputs from external specialists, prepare and manage contracts and quality assure deliverables.
  • Support the development and management of grants ensuring all processes are operationally robust and implemented in accordance with DFAT and Palladium guidelines, including risk management processes (including acquittals and spot checks).
  • Other duties as may reasonably be required by the Operations Manager and consistent with the incumbent’s qualifications and experience.


Theminimum education and experience required are:

  • Undergraduate degree in a relevant field (for example, business, accounting, audit, international development or climate change related discipline)
  • Experience working with the Australian Government / DFAT-funded programs and demonstrated experience of key Australian Government aid delivery policies (including the Commonwealth Grant Rules and Guidelines and DFAT’s Safeguarding policies).
  • Experience in supporting cross-sectoral climate change activities, with Pacific experience desired
  • A minimum of 3 years’ experience working in grants management, including drafting grant agreements, financial management, fraud control, acquittals and audits.
  • Demonstrated skills in project administration including high proficiency in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and with program and financial management systems.
  • Strong cross-cultural, interpersonal, communication, stakeholder engagement and capacity strengthening skills.


Thisis an exciting opportunity to join an expanding team supporting climate changeaction and disaster resilience in the Pacific, with a focus on sustainableoutcomes. You will be a motivated individual who is a responsive and committedteam member. A self-starter with expertise in international development andgrants management, with a focus on climate, and experience engaging withgovernment, civil society organisations and private sector entities. Yourexperience would be of value to this complex program to support the activeachievement of the program outcomes.

How to Apply

Wewelcome your interest in joining our team and strongly encourage Pacificnationals to apply. Please select Apply Now and send a maximum two-page CVshowing relevant experience and a maximum one-page cover letter that brieflyoutlines your motivations and fit for the role, and your salaryexpectations.

Thisis a desk-based role with options for flexible working however a strongpreference for candidates based in Suva (Fiji), Port Moresby (PNG), Brisbane orCanberra (Australia).

Applicationsclose onThursday 5 May 2022 midnight AEST.

Dueto the expected volume of applications, only candidates under positiveconsideration will be notified. The successful candidate will be offered aninitial contract to 30 June 2024.

Equity,Diversity& Inclusion- Palladium is committed to embeddingequity, diversity, and inclusion into everything we do.We welcomeapplications from all sections of society and actively encourage diversity to driveinnovation,creativity, success and good practice. We positively welcome and seek to ensurewe achieve diversity in our workforce; and that all job applicants andemployees receive equal and fair treatment regardless of their background orpersonal characteristics. These include: (but are not limited to)socio-economic background, age, race, gender identity and expression, religion,ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, nationality, veteran, marital orIndigenous status.

Shouldyou require any adjustments or accommodations to be made due to a disability oryou are a neurodivergent individual or for any other circumstance, please emailour team at accessibility@...and we will be in touch todiscuss.

Safeguarding-We define Safeguarding as “the preventative action taken by Palladium toprotect our people, clients and the communities we work with from harm”. We arecommitted to ensuring that all children and adults who come into contact withPalladium are treated with respect and are free from abuse. Allsuccessful candidates will be subject to an enhanced selection processincluding safeguarding-focused interviews and a rigorous due diligence process.

Pleasefind further details at:

Climate and Grants Officer



ECONSULTPACIFIC provides this vacancy announcement to those specialists on our databasewho have provided us with an email address and who have voluntarily subscribed.Unless otherwise indicated, ECO-CONSULT PACIFIC is not and will not be involvedin the selection process, nor in any of the negotiations for the position, andwill not claim any charges from the specialists.

The vacancies are obtained from regional and internationalorganizations,magazines, newspapers and colleagues. Although we will do our best to relate toyou the details on the positions as they have been provided to us, it is
possible that some information may be incorrect or outdated. ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC advises those interested in a vacancy to contact the advertisingorganization directly for specific details on the position. ECO-CONSULT
PACIFIC will not accept any liability for incorrect information.

Although we have many email recipients for 'Pacific Vacancies', your addresswill remain confidential. If you do not want to receive the vacancyannouncements anymore, please send a blank email to:

Of course, you can always join again later, by sending a blank email message to:

Palladium: Climate Change & GESI Adviser, Australia Pacific Climate Partnership: 2022/162

Wilco Liebregts
  • All Messages By This Member


Please find Pacific VacanciesAnnouncement No. 2022/162 | Messages (10)

ClimateChange & GESI Adviser, Australia Pacific Climate Partnership

Palladium is a global leader in the design, development and delivery ofPositive Impact – the intentional creation of enduring social and economicvalue. We work with governments, businesses, and investors to solve the world'smost pressing challenges. With a team of more than 3,000 employees operating in90 plus countries and a global network of over 35,000 experts, we help improveeconomies, societies and, most importantly, people's lives.

About the Australia Pacific Climate Partnership Support Unit
The Australia Pacific Climate Partnership (the Climate Partnership) wasestablished in 2018 to support Australia’s aid programs to increase theeffectiveness of support for climate change action and disaster resilience inthe Pacific.

The Climate Partnership Support Unit was established at the outset of thePartnership and is entering its second phase (2022-2024). The Support Unit hasa team of technical experts based in Australia and the Pacific who work withDFAT aid investment program managers and their implementing partners tointegrate climate change and disaster risk reduction, broker and enable betteraccess to actionable climate change and disaster knowledge in the region, andundertake Program-wide monitoring, evaluation and learning.

About the Role
Reporting to the Deputy Team Leader, the Climate Change and GESI Adviser willengage, support, and provide technical advice to DFAT aid investment managersin Canberra and at Pacific Island Posts, their respective implementationpartners, and Pacific stakeholders, to integrate gender and socially inclusiveapproaches to climate and disaster resilience and low carbon developmentthrough DFAT aid programs in the Pacific.


Theprimary responsibilities of theClimate Change and GESI Adviserare:

  • Establish and maintain relationships and networks, including with DFAT staff in Canberra and at Posts, their implementation partners, and Pacific stakeholders, to build demand and buy-in for integration of gender and socially inclusive climate change action into bilateral and regional aid investments.
  • Work closely with DFAT staff in Canberra and at Posts (and implementing partners), identifying opportunities, providing advisory services, and building capacity for comprehensive integration of climate change action and GESI support across aid investment planning, program development, activity designs, risk management, and monitoring and reporting, and across broader policy frameworks.
  • Work closely with the GESI Adviser and Integration team to coordinate and engage technical inputs from external specialists, prepare and manage contracts/grants and quality assure deliverables.
  • Provide technical support for the Support Unit’s communications and DFAT, to demonstrate good practice and communicate Australia’s Pacific climate action to broader audiences.
  • Represent the Support Unit at key meetings with stakeholders to promote and engage stakeholders in the work of the Climate Partnership.
  • Other duties as required by the Team Leader or Deputy Team Leader.


Theminimum education and experience required are:

  • Advanced degree in environmental sciences, climate change adaptation and/or mitigation or related fields with subjects or specialisation in social development or gender studies.
  • Minimum 5 years’ experience managing and/or advising cross-sectoral international development programs on climate change adaptation and gender equality, disability and/or other social inclusion including experience in the Pacific.
  • Contemporary knowledge of gender equality, disability and other social inclusion and knowledge of international and Pacific developments in climate change action and disaster risk reduction and resilience.
  • Demonstrated experience and understanding of the Australian aid program, DFAT aid policies and strategies, and practice specifically relating to climate and GESI.
  • Demonstrated ability to provide advisory services, coaching and mentoring to effect behaviour change among diverse stakeholders in government, civil society, and the private sector, in a complex operating environment.
  • Demonstrated ability to prepare terms of reference for technical assignments and to manage agreements.
  • Proven ability in thinking and working politically; building strategic and strong working relationships with government and industry stakeholders; and identifying solutions to sensitive political and cultural issues.
  • Demonstrated ability to prepare written briefings and reports as they relate to climate integration and adaptation, and GESI approaches.
  • Demonstrated ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives, and a professional commitment to promote a culture of gender equality and social inclusion.

Howto Apply

Wewelcome your interest in joining our team and strongly encourage Pacificnationals to apply. Please select Apply Now and send a maximum two-page CVshowing relevant experience and a maximum one-page cover letter that brieflyoutlines your motivations and fit for the role, and your salary expectations.
This is a desk-based role with options for flexible working however a strongpreference for candidates based in Suva (Fiji), Port Moresby (PNG), Brisbane orCanberra (Australia).

Applicationsclose onThursday 5 May 2022 midnight AEST.

Dueto the expected volume of applications, only candidates under positiveconsideration will be notified. The successful candidate will be offered aninitial contract to 30 June 2024.

Equity,Diversity& Inclusion- Palladium is committed to embeddingequity, diversity, and inclusion into everything we do.We welcomeapplications from all sections of society and actively encourage diversity todriveinnovation, creativity, success and good practice. We positivelywelcome and seek to ensure we achieve diversity in our workforce; and that alljob applicants and employees receive equal and fair treatment regardless oftheir background or personal characteristics. These include: (but are notlimited to) socio-economic background, age, race, gender identity andexpression, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, nationality,veteran, marital or Indigenous status.

Shouldyou require any adjustments or accommodations to be made due to a disability oryou are a neurodivergent individual or for any other circumstance, please emailour team at accessibility@...and we will be in touch todiscuss.

Safeguarding-We define Safeguarding as “the preventative action taken by Palladium toprotect our people, clients and the communities we work with from harm”. We arecommitted to ensuring that all children and adults who come into contact withPalladium are treated with respect and are free from abuse. Allsuccessful candidates will be subject to an enhanced selection processincluding safeguarding-focused interviews and a rigorous due diligence process.

Pleasefind further details at:

Climate Change and GESI Adviser



ECONSULTPACIFIC provides this vacancy announcement to those specialists on our databasewho have provided us with an email address and who have voluntarily subscribed.Unless otherwise indicated, ECO-CONSULT PACIFIC is not and will not be involvedin the selection process, nor in any of the negotiations for the position, andwill not claim any charges from the specialists.

The vacancies are obtained from regional and internationalorganizations,magazines, newspapers and colleagues. Although we will do our best to relate toyou the details on the positions as they have been provided to us, it is
possible that some information may be incorrect or outdated. ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC advises those interested in a vacancy to contact the advertisingorganization directly for specific details on the position. ECO-CONSULT
PACIFIC will not accept any liability for incorrect information.

Although we have many email recipients for 'Pacific Vacancies', your addresswill remain confidential. If you do not want to receive the vacancyannouncements anymore, please send a blank email to:

Of course, you can always join again later, by sending a blank email message to:

Palladium: Team Leader, Australia Pacific Climate Partnership: 2022/161

Wilco Liebregts
  • All Messages By This Member


Please find Pacific VacanciesAnnouncement No. 2022/161 | Messages (12)

TeamLeader, Australia Pacific Climate Partnership

Palladium is a global leader in the design, development and delivery ofPositive Impact – the intentional creation of enduring social and economicvalue. We work with governments, businesses, and investors to solve the world'smost pressing challenges. With a team of more than 3,000 employees operating in90 plus countries and a global network of over 35,000 experts, we help improveeconomies, societies and, most importantly, people's lives.

About the Australia Pacific Climate Partnership Support Unit
The Australia Pacific Climate Partnership (the Climate Partnership) wasestablished in 2018 to support Australia’s aid programs to increase theeffectiveness of support for climate change action and disaster resilience inthe Pacific.

The Climate Partnership Support Unit was established at the outset of thePartnership and is entering its second phase (2022-2024). The Support Unit hasa team of technical experts based in Australia and the Pacific who work withDFAT aid investment program managers and their implementing partners tointegrate climate change and disaster risk reduction, broker and enable betteraccess to actionable climate change and disaster knowledge in the region, andundertake Program-wide monitoring, evaluation and learning.

About the Role
The Team Leader will be responsible for the overall leadership, management, andimplementation of the Support Unit. Accountable to DFAT for day-to-dayperformance of the Program, the position will lead the program's technical andoperational efforts to integrate climate change action and all-hazards disasterrisk resilience into DFAT investments in the Pacific.

TheTeam Leader position is classified at C4 under the DFAT Aid AdviserRemuneration Framework (ARF). The successful candidate will be offered aninitial contract to 30 June 2024.


Theprimary responsibilities of theTeam Leaderare:

  • Provide strategic leadership, management and support to all Support Unit personnel and support a culture of inclusive learning and improvement with a focus on the achievement of outcomes and an emphasis on sustainability.
  • Lead the Support Unit to work with DFAT program managers and staff in Canberra and at Posts to support comprehensive integration of climate change action and all hazards disaster risk reduction (DRR) across aid investment planning, program development, activity designs, risk management, and monitoring and reporting, and broader policy frameworks.
  • Build on and maintain existing relationships and networks, including DFAT in Canberra and at Posts, Program partners, regional organisations, research institutions, civil society, the private sector, and other Pacific stakeholders.
  • Ensure delivery of the program in accordance with DFAT contractual requirements and the evolving nature of the program, including the implementation of key strategies (knowledge brokering, communications, MEL, GESI) and operational functions.
  • Identify knowledge gaps and undertake or commission research and analysis, including through collaborations, to support DFAT program managers and the overall work of APCP, to improve performance and inform scalability.
  • Proactively identify and manage risks associated with APCP, including those relating to the performance of technical support personnel, activity design and implementation, and the safeguarding of program funds in accordance with Commonwealth requirements.
  • Support public diplomacy and communications by DFAT, and when required, represent APCP at a strategic level throughout the Pacific, including regional forums, networks and other activities and identify emerging issues and priorities for consideration as part of Australia's broader engagement in climate change in the Pacific.
  • Ensure APCP's results are conveyed meaningfully to increase political buy-in of Australian Pacific investment programs and their respective partners/stakeholders.


Theminimum education and experience required are:

  • Advanced degree in international development, climate/environmental science(s) or other relevant qualifications.
  • Extensive experience (minimum 15 years) experience, managing and/or advising cross-sectoral international development programs in the Pacific, in a climate change and disaster risk resilience context would be desirable.
  • Demonstrated ability to provide leadership, coaching and mentoring to a high performing team, in a complex operating environment.
  • Proven ability to manage strategic direction, workflows, work allocation and coordination across a team.
  • Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of DFAT aid policies and strategies, and other relevant government policies.
  • Contemporary knowledge of climate change in the Pacific and a strong understanding of international developments in climate change and DRR.
  • Proven ability in thinking and working politically: building strategic and strong working relationships with government and industry stakeholders; and identifying solutions to sensitive political and cultural issues in a Pacific context.
  • Demonstrated ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives and a professional commitment to promote a culture of gender equality and social inclusion.
  • Knowledge of quality assurance processes and view of constant improvement.
  • Experience as a Team Leader managing and implementing DFAT funded programs in a developing country context will be highly regarded.

This is an exciting opportunity to join anexpanding team leading and supporting climate change action and disasterresilience in the Pacific. You will be motivated and proactive with excellentcross-cultural communication skills, both oral and written, in a wide range ofcontexts. You will have the proven abilities to develop and maintainprofessional, cross-sectoral networks, guide big ideas and solve complexproblems with a talented team, as well as highly developed negotiation skills.

Howto Apply
We welcome your interest in joining our team. Please select Apply Now and senda maximum two-page CV showing relevant experience and a maximum one-page coverletter that briefly outlines your motivations and fit for the role.

Thisis a desk-based role with options for flexible working however a strongpreference for candidates based in Canberra (Australia).

Applicationsclose onThursday 5 May 2022 midnight AEST.

Dueto the expected volume of applications, only candidates under positiveconsideration will be notified.

Equity,Diversity& Inclusion- Palladium is committed to embeddingequity, diversity, and inclusion into everything we do.We welcomeapplications from all sections of society and actively encourage diversity todriveinnovation, creativity, success and good practice. We positivelywelcome and seek to ensure we achieve diversity in our workforce; and that alljob applicants and employees receive equal and fair treatment regardless oftheir background or personal characteristics. These include: (but are notlimited to) socio-economic background, age, race, gender identity andexpression, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, nationality,veteran, marital or Indigenous status.

Shouldyou require any adjustments or accommodations to be made due to a disability oryou are a neurodivergent individual or for any other circumstance, please emailour team at accessibility@...and we will be in touch todiscuss.

Safeguarding-We define Safeguarding as “the preventative action taken by Palladium to protectour people, clients and the communities we work with from harm”. We arecommitted to ensuring that all children and adults who come into contact withPalladium are treated with respect and are free from abuse. Allsuccessful candidates will be subject to an enhanced selection processincluding safeguarding-focused interviews and a rigorous due diligence process.

Pleasefind further details at:

Team Leader



ECONSULTPACIFIC provides this vacancy announcement to those specialists on our databasewho have provided us with an email address and who have voluntarily subscribed.Unless otherwise indicated, ECO-CONSULT PACIFIC is not and will not be involvedin the selection process, nor in any of the negotiations for the position, andwill not claim any charges from the specialists.

The vacancies are obtained from regional and internationalorganizations,magazines, newspapers and colleagues. Although we will do our best to relate toyou the details on the positions as they have been provided to us, it is
possible that some information may be incorrect or outdated. ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC advises those interested in a vacancy to contact the advertisingorganization directly for specific details on the position. ECO-CONSULT
PACIFIC will not accept any liability for incorrect information.

Although we have many email recipients for 'Pacific Vacancies', your addresswill remain confidential. If you do not want to receive the vacancyannouncements anymore, please send a blank email to:

Of course, you can always join again later, by sending a blank email message to:

SPC (New Caledonia-based): Head of Internal Audit & Risk: 2022/160

Wilco Liebregts
  • All Messages By This Member


Please find Pacific VacanciesAnnouncement No. 2022/160 | Messages (14)

Head of Internal Audit & Risk

ØNoumea-based position

ØAttractive expatriate package

ØJoin the principal developmentorganisation in the region

The Pacific Community (SPC) invitesapplications for the position of Head ofInternal Audit & Risk. This position will be located at itsheadquarters in Noumea, New Caledonia.


The PacificCommunity (SPC) isthe principal scientific and technical organisation in the Pacific region,supporting development since 1947. We are an intergovernmentall developmentorganisation owned and governed by our 27 country and territory members. Inpursuit of sustainable development to benefit Pacific people, our uniqueorganisation works across more than 25 sectors. We are known for our knowledgeand innovation in such areas as fisheries science, public health surveillance,geoscience, and conservation of plant genetic resources for food andagriculture.

SPC and its secretariat shares the vision forour region adopted by Pacific Islands Forum Leaders under the Framework forPacific Regionalism: Our Pacific vision is for a region of peace, harmony,security, social inclusion and prosperity, so that all Pacific people can leadfree, healthy and productive lives. SPC’s mission is to work for the well-beingof Pacific people through the effective and innovative application of scienceand knowledge, guided by a deep understanding of the Pacific Islands’ contextsand cultures.

SPC’s headquarters are in Noumea, NewCaledonia. Our other offices are the Fiji Regional Office in Suva, Fiji; theMicronesia Regional Office in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia; theMelanesia Regional Office in Port Vila, Vanuatu; and a country office inHoniara, Solomon Islands.

The role – the Head of Internal Audit & Riskwill be responsible for strategic leadershipin assurance services, risk-based audit programming, KPIs, reporting, strategiccommunications and relationship building.

The key responsibilities of the role includethe following:

Strategic leadership inassurance services

Demonstrate thorough knowledge andunderstanding of the technical aspects of the internal audit profession andfunction;

DevelopSPC’s internal audit Capability Maturity Model and determine and lead thecarrying out of the audit activities;

Contributeeffectively to reaching and maintaining an optimum internal controlenvironment, including IT controls, with an emphasis on risk reduction;

Assessand take into account the latest global macroeconomic and microeconomic factorsand impacts upon the organization;

Maintaina current understanding of the latest global developments and regulatory andlegal frameworks within which the SPC operates;

Assessand maintain a current understanding of the multi-cultural business environmentin the Pacific that SPC operates in;

Setthe strategic direction of the IAR function as it pertains to the strategicmission, vision and plan of the SPC;

Identifystrategic issues and risks through critical thinking and offer related advicein a proactive manner to the ARC and management;

Managethe IAR function in an agile manner that allows its work to quickly adapt tochanging organisational priorities, external risk factors or circumstances;

Maintainthe highest standards of integrity and ethics throughout the IAR office andfunction. Maintain at all times the independence of the IAR office from thefunctions of management.

Risk based audits

Develop and implement a risk-basedaudit plan for 3 years as a rollingplan;

Managethe work program of IAR team and any outsourced internal audit serviceprovider;

Effectivelymanage a small team, ensuring their work is performed to a high technicalstandard, as well as in a manner that maintains the integrity and ethics of theIAR office;

Ensureall staff maintain professional standards, and keep abreast of changes in theprofession and with industry best practices;

Atthe request of the ARC, DG, DDG or Finance Director, instigate and lead anyspecial investigations or special assignments as may be required.

Leading Risk Managementinitiatives

Lead the risk management initiativesacross SPC;

Providethe necessary training on risk management to new risk champions and to SPCstaff;

Informthe ARC of most relevant changes in risk registers and new risks that areadded.

KPI’s and reporting

Develop, in consultation with the ARCand the Director-General, a set of KPIs that are in line with internationalbest practice, for reporting to the ARC and the Director-General;

Reportin a timely manner to the ARC and the DG as appropriate, on the KPIs;

Providesecretariat services to the ARC;

Developa quality assessment and improvement program and be responsible for itsimplementation and maintenance.

Strategic Communicationsand Relationship Building

Use effective communication tools atall levels of the organisation and with key stakeholders to advance the work ofthe internal audit function;

Communicateaudit issues, areas of risk and plans to address those issues and risk tovarious parts of the organisation in an effective manner;

Developand maintain excellent working relationships based on trust with the executive,the ARC and the organisation in general.

Fora more detailed account of the key responsibilities, please refer to the online job description.

Key selection criteria


Advanceduniversity degree (masters or equivalent) in accounting, business or financialmanagement;

Professionalqualification in internal auditing (CIA or equivalent).


Atleast 14-15 years of progressively responsible experience in internal auditing;

Atleast 5 years of experience leading internal audit in the public sector;

Soundexperience in leading teams;

Strongclient focus with high level of responsiveness and demonstrated performance indelivering outputs.

Language skills

SPCworking languages are English and French;

For thisposition excellent English language skills, both spoken and written, arerequired. Knowledge of French is desirable.

Interpersonalskills and cultural awareness

Excellentinterpersonal skills, a team player, with the ability to network and workeffectively in a multicultural setting;

Culturalsensitivity and a demonstrated understanding of developing countryenvironments;

Knowledgeof Pacific Island countries and territories is an advantage.

Salary, terms and conditions

Contract DurationThisvacant position is budgeted for 3 years and is subject to renewal depending onfunding and performance.

Due to thecurrent travel restrictions caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic, and thepriority SPC places on its staff safety, health and well-being, please notethat there may be delays in taking up the appointment. These matters will bediscussed thoroughly with successful candidates. In most cases, any appointmentand on-boarding would only commence when relocation to the duty station ispermitted.

Remuneration – the Head of InternalAudit and Risk is a band 14 position in SPC’s2022 salary scale, with a starting salary range of SDR (specialdrawingrights) 6,155-7,597 per month, which converts to approximately XPF881,359-1,087,916 (USD 8,801-10,864; EUR 7,386-9,117). An offer of appointmentfor an initial contract will normally be made in the lower half of this range,with due consideration being given to experience and qualifications.Progression within the salary scale is based on annual performance reviews. SPCsalaries are not presently subject to income tax in New Caledonia.

Benefits for international staff employees based inNew Caledonia– SPC provides subsidised housing in Noumea. Establishment and repatriation grant, removal expenses, airfares, homeleave travel, health and life and disability insurances and educationallowances are available for eligible employees and their eligible dependents.Employees are entitled to 25 working days of annual leave per annum and othertypes of leave, and access to SPC’s Provident Fund (contributing 8% ofsalary, to which SPC adds a matching contribution).

Languages – SPC’s working languages are English and French.

Recruitment principles – SPC’s recruitment is based on merit and fairness, and candidates arecompeting in a selection process that is fair, transparent andnon-discriminatory. SPC is an equal-opportunity employer, and iscommitted to cultural and gender diversity, including bilinguism, and will seekto attract and appoint candidates who respect these values. Due attention isgiven to gender equity and the maintenance of strong representation fromPacific Island professionals. If twointerviewed candidates are ranked equal by the selection panel, preference willbegiven to the Pacific Islander. Applicants will be assured of completeconfidentiality in line with SPC’s private policy.

Application procedure

Closing date: 22 May 2022 – 11:00 pm (Noumea time)

Job Reference: AL000467

Applicants must applyonline at

Hard copies of applications will not be accepted.

For your application to beconsidered, you must provide us with:

·an updated resume with contact details for three professional referees

·a cover letter detailing your skills, experience and interest in thisposition

·responses to all screening questions

Your application will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewedat shortlisting stage if all the above documents are not provided. Applicantsshould not attach copies of qualifications or letters of reference.

Please ensure your documents are in Microsoft Word orAdobe PDF format.

Screening questions(maximum of 2.000 characters per question):

1.Which are the key critical factors to complete an Annual Internal Auditplan on time and effectively?

2.This position oversees both Internal Audit and Risk Management. Explainhow you would keep independence in Internal Audit while leading the RiskMitigation initiatives in SPC.

3. It’s required to perform aninvestigation, but the members of the Audit team don’t have investigationexperience and are not CFE. What could be your approach to properly conductthis assignment?



ECONSULTPACIFIC provides this vacancy announcement to those specialists on our databasewho have provided us with an email address and who have voluntarily subscribed.Unless otherwise indicated, ECO-CONSULT PACIFIC is not and will not be involvedin the selection process, nor in any of the negotiations for the position, andwill not claim any charges from the specialists.

The vacancies are obtained from regional and internationalorganizations,magazines, newspapers and colleagues. Although we will do our best to relate toyou the details on the positions as they have been provided to us, it is
possible that some information may be incorrect or outdated. ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC advises those interested in a vacancy to contact the advertisingorganization directly for specific details on the position. ECO-CONSULT
PACIFIC will not accept any liability for incorrect information.

Although we have many email recipients for 'Pacific Vacancies', your addresswill remain confidential. If you do not want to receive the vacancyannouncements anymore, please send a blank email to:

Of course, you can always join again later, by sending a blank email message to:

Cardno (Home-based): Communications and Administration Assistant: 2022/159

Wilco Liebregts
  • All Messages By This Member


Please find Pacific VacanciesAnnouncement No. 2022/159 | Messages (16)


Support Building Pacific Capacity Program (BPaC)administration and communications

06th April, 2022

The Program

TheBuilding Pacific Capacity Program (BPaC) is an Australian Government initiativefunded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and managed byCardno international Development. It provides Pacific Island Countries with asuite of flexible, fit-for-purpose options that support broad governance andstability development outcomes.

BPaC works with partners and governments in Kiribati, Tuvalu, Nauru and FSMwhile also supporting other small pacific island states.

The Role

This is a full time home-based role that requires access to areliableinternet connection.Pacific region, New Zealand, andAustralia based candidates are preferred due to time zones.

Reporting to the Finance and Operations Manager, the Communications andAdministration Assistant will support across all areas of the BPaC SupportUnit, including communications, monitoring and evaluation, recruitment, finance,and operations. This exciting role has a focus on communications includingmanaging social media accounts and the soon to be developed BPaC website.

Key functions will include:

·Preparing and sharing socialmedia posts outlining achievements made and stories within the greater BPaCteam.

·Updating the BPaC website withsupport from the Communications Specialist.

·Scheduling meetings andinterviews for the Monitoring and Evaluation team and program design processes.

·Working with the BPaC team toformat job advertisements and upload to our recruitment platform, whileassisting with filing and compliance throughout the recruitment process

·Listing advertisements onplatforms such as LinkedIn, Devnet, and others, while assisting withcommunications to networks to help ensure we are considering every avenue andcandidate that applies.

·Assisting in the screeningprocess, reviewing resumes, scoring against selection criteria, and schedulinginterviews.

·Assisting during interviews as anote-taker as required and undertaking reference checks and othercompliance/due-diligence checks.

·Preparing payment requisitionsand entering transactions in accounting software as required.

·Assist with financial month-endclose activities and reconciliations.

·Keeping and filing records anddocuments for all transactions processed.

·Liaising with suppliers andinternal stakeholders as required, always providing exceptional customerservice.

·Assisting in providing excellentservice and operations support to the team where required.

·Other tasks as requested by theFinance and Operations Manager.

The BPaCSupport Unit

You will be joining a team of experienced international developmentprofessionals that are committed to sustainability, strengths-based capacitydevelopment, genuine partnership, gender equality and disability inclusivedevelopment. We welcome applicants from all locations and encouragePacific Islanders to apply. We have small ‘hubs’ in Suva, Canberra and Brisbanewhere office space can be accessed, however the Support Unit team is 100%remote working and dotted over Australia and the Pacific.

All About You

You are an early career professional with a strong administration backgroundand a good writer with an interest in communications, who is interested inworking in a flexible role for a multidisciplinary development program.You will enjoy a wide variety in your work and can build rapport with others,ensuring great service, reliability, results, and a personalised approach whenworking within our team. This is a hands-on role for someone who thrives in afast-paced environment, and a “can-do” attitude is a must. You are based in thePacific region (including Australia and New Zealand) and can work from home andare willing to learn new skills.

Essential selection criteria:

  1. Excellent written and verbal communication skills, particularly an ability to write in English clearly and professionally
  2. Experience in an administrative support role, ideally with a communications or HR support background.
  3. Ability to prioritise and work to a deadline in a busy fast-paced environment
  4. Strong computer skills including Microsoft office, SharePoint, and the ability to learn to use multiple online portals on a daily basis
  5. Experience with the use of social media platforms and websites in a professional context

Preferred skills and experience:

  1. Experience in working in donor funded development activities.
  2. Experience providing finance administration support, such as entering payments and doing basic accounting tasks such as completing bank reconciliations and entering simple transaction in accounting software such as MYOB.
  3. Experience studying or working in a developing country
  4. Experience in note-taking, scheduling and other secretarial functions

How to Apply

Review the Terms of Reference here:

All applications may be submitted via the advertisement on the CardnoInternational Development Careers webpage by clicking on the ‘Apply’ button,and include the following:

·Your CV, including the names andcontact details of two professional referees

·A cover letter, describing howyour skills and experience are applicable to the selection criteria.

Applicationswill be considered as they are submitted. Please submit your application assoon as possible.

The application process will close onTuesday 19April 2022.

Questions can be directed to recruitment@...

Due to the expected volume of applications, only candidates under positiveconsideration will be notified.

About Cardno InternationalDevelopment

Australia's development program invests in an open, prosperous and resilientIndo-Pacific. Australia’s efforts contribute to stability, restarting economiespost-pandemic, and managing the effects of resurgent poverty andinequality.

For over 50 years, Cardno International Development has partnered withgovernments, communities, and the private sector to deliver practical,innovative, and sustainable solutions for an empowered and inclusivedevelopment in various disciplines such as education, health, governance,economic growth, gender and inclusion, climate change management,infrastructure, and environment. With over 1600 staff around the world andactive projects in over 60 countries, we are helping communities and clientsachieve their sustainability goals with a strong commitment to use and buildlocal capacity and empower local voices.

For more information visit our website:

TheCommunications and Administration Assistant will support across all areas ofthe BPaC Support Unit, including communications, monitoring and evaluation,recruitment, finance, and operations.

More info:



ECONSULTPACIFIC provides this vacancy announcement to those specialists on our databasewho have provided us with an email address and who have voluntarily subscribed.Unless otherwise indicated, ECO-CONSULT PACIFIC is not and will not be involvedin the selection process, nor in any of the negotiations for the position, andwill not claim any charges from the specialists.

The vacancies are obtained from regional and internationalorganizations,magazines, newspapers and colleagues. Although we will do our best to relate toyou the details on the positions as they have been provided to us, it is
possible that some information may be incorrect or outdated. ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC advises those interested in a vacancy to contact the advertisingorganization directly for specific details on the position. ECO-CONSULT
PACIFIC will not accept any liability for incorrect information.

Although we have many email recipients for 'Pacific Vacancies', your addresswill remain confidential. If you do not want to receive the vacancyannouncements anymore, please send a blank email to:

Of course, you can always join again later, by sending a blank email message to:

SPC (Fiji-based): Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) Adviser: 2022/158

Wilco Liebregts
  • All Messages By This Member


Please find Pacific Vacancies Announcement No. 2022/158 | Messages (18)

Monitoring,Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) Adviser - Disaster and CommunityResilience Programme (DCRP)

ØSuva-based position(Fiji)

ØCompetitive expatriatepackage

ØJoin the principaldevelopment organisation in the region

The Pacific Community (SPC) invites applications for the positionofMonitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) Adviser - Disasterand Community Resilience Programme (DCRP),located at its regional office in Suva, Fiji.


ThePacificCommunity (SPC)is the principal scientific and technical organisationin the Pacific region, supporting development since 1947. We are aninternational development organisation owned and governed by our 26 country andterritory members. In pursuit of sustainable development to benefit Pacificpeople, our organisation works across more than 20 sectors. We are known forour knowledge and innovation in such areas as fisheries science, public healthsurveillance, geoscience, and conservation of plant genetic resources for foodand agriculture.

TheGeoscienceEnergy and Maritime Divisionprovides advice, technical assistance,research and training support to Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs).There are three (3) areas of scientific programming and two areas of focuswithin this division:

1.Oceans and Maritime Programme(OMP)assists member countrieswith services that provide applied ocean science and knowledge forevidence-based policy-making and technical solutions for improved ocean andmaritime governance, management and capacity development.

2.Georesources and Energy Programme(GEP)assists member countriesby applying technical knowledge in the areas of geoscience and sustainableenergy use.

3.Disaster and Community ResilienceProgramme (DCRP)assists member countriesto demonstrate strengthened resilience through integrated action on disasterrisk management, climate change adaptation, natural resource management andincreased access to water and sanitation.

The role– TheMonitoring, Evaluation,Research and Learning (MERL) Adviserwillprovide projectand programme-level MERL advice and support for DCRP in the GEM Division toenhance project and programme planning, monitoring, and reporting of resultsacross projects, in the division, in SPC, by donors and partners.Thekey responsibilities of the role include:

Project MERL advice and capability building

·Provide MERL inductions to new/existing staff as well as ongoingcoaching and/or training to build understanding of how MERL can be used not onlyfor reporting and communication purposes, but for results-based management andtesting assumptions

·Advise on the development and revision of high-quality projectresults frameworks and MERL plans

Disaster and Community Resilience Programme and sector MERLleadership

· Lead the development andstrengthening of an integrated DCRP programme results framework and costed MERLPlan

· Lead implementation of theDCRP MERL Plan (including managing associated programmatic budget) and driveprogrammatic research elements of the Plan

DCRP programme and project planning advice

· Lead coordination of theDCRP annual and multi-year work planning processes, ensuring alignment with theFRDP, SPC Strategic Plan, GEM Business Plan, and project workplans

· Facilitate strategicdiscussions within DCRP to consolidate the programme’s inputs into the GEMbusiness plan and SPC-wide strategic planning and MERL initiatives.

Facilitation of DCRP contributions to GEM and SPC corporatereporting and learning

· In consultation with theDCRP Deputy Director, organise the six-monthly and annual reflection andlearning workshops at a programme level; and assist the PMEL Team Leader GEM toorganise the six-monthly and annual reflection and learning workshops at adivisional level

· Provide MERL advice to thePMEL Team Leader (GEM), DCRP Deputy Director and DCRP Programmes Team.

For a more detailedaccount of the key responsibilities, please refer to the job descriptionprovided online.

Key selection criteria


·Postgraduate qualification in a relevant field such asevaluation, public sector policy, project management, internationaldevelopment, disaster risk management, climate change, water and sanitation ornatural resources management

Knowledgeand experience

·At least 8 years of experience in international developmentproject or programme implementation, including at least 5 years in monitoringand evaluation for projects/programmes

·Knowledge of different international donor expectations in relationto MERL

·Demonstrable experience in programme MERL support for largemulti-disciplinary programmes implementing large bilateral donors, includingconceptualising, technical writing and streamlining MERL processes to meetmultiple audience demands

Essential skills

·An excellent understanding of international best practices indevelopment effectiveness

·Good knowledge of the Pacific regional and cultural contexts andoperational realities

·Knowledge and experience of creating/using tools and strategiesfor the efficient and effective entering, processing, cleaning, extraction andanalysis of data

·Demonstrable experience in delivering effective MERL coachingand/or training


·Excellent English communication skills(oral and written) with a working knowledge of French being an advantage

Interpersonalskills and cultural awareness

·Ability to work in a multicultural,inclusive and equitable environment

·Knowledge of Pacific Island countriesand territories is an advantage

Salary, terms and conditions

ContractDuration –2 years

Due to the current travel restrictions caused by the globalCOVID-19 pandemic, and the priority SPC places on its staff safety, health andwell-being, please note that there may be delays in taking up the appointment.These matters will be discussed thoroughly with successful candidates. In mostcases, any appointment and on-boarding would only commence when relocation tothe duty station is permitted.

Remuneration– The Monitoring,Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) Adviser is a Band 10 position in SPC’s2022 salary scale, with a starting salary range of 2,512‒3,140 SDR (specialdrawing rights) per month, which currently converts to approximately FJD7,410–9,263 (USD 3,592–4,490; EUR 3,014–3,768).An offer of appointmentfor an initial contract will normally be made in the lower half of this range,with due consideration given to experience and qualifications.Progressionwithin the salary scale will be based on annual performance reviews. Remunerationof expatriate SPC staff members are not subject to income tax in Fiji; Fijinationals employed by SPC in Fiji will be subject to income tax.

Benefits for international employees based inFiji –SPCprovides a housing allowance of FJD 1,350–3,000 per month.Establishmentand repatriation grant, removal expenses, airfares, home leave travel, healthand life and disability insurances and education allowances are available foreligible employees and their eligible dependents. Employees are entitled to 25working days of annual leave per annum and other types of leave, and access toSPC’s Provident Fund (contributing 8% of salary, to which SPC adds a matchingcontribution).

Languages–SPC’s working languages are English and French.

Recruitment principlesSPC’s recruitment is based on merit and fairness, and candidatesare competing in a selection process that is fair, transparent andnon-discriminatory. SPC is anequal-opportunity employer, and is committedto cultural and gender diversity, including bilingualism, and will seek toattract and appoint candidates who respect these values. Due attention is givento gender equity and the maintenance of strong representation from PacificIsland professionals. If two interviewed candidates are ranked equal by theselection panel, preference will be given to thePacific Islander.

Applicants will beassured of complete confidentiality in line with SPC’s Privacy Policy.

Application procedure

ClosingDate: 8 May 2022 at 11:59pm (Fiji time)

JobReference: JM000362

Applicants must applyonline at:

Hard copies ofapplications will not be accepted.

Tobe considered for this role, you must provide us with:

·an updated resume with contact detailsfor three professional referees

·a cover letter detailing your skills,experience and interest in this position

·responses to all screening questions

Yourapplication will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed atshortlisting stage if all the above documents are not provided.

Applicantsshould not attach copies of qualifications or letters of reference.

Pleaseensure your documents are in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format.

Forinternational staff in Fiji, only one foreign national per family can beemployed with an entity operating in Fiji at any one given time. SPC may assiston a case-by-case basis with submissions to Fiji Ministry of Foreign Affairsfor their consideration and final approval. SPC cannot and does not make anyguarantee whatsoever of approval for such applications to the Fijian Ministryof Foreign Affairs and where an application is approved, the spouse or partnerwill subject to such terms and conditions as may be set from time to time bythe Ministry.

ScreeningQuestions (maximum of 2,000 per characters per question):

1.Briefly describe (400 word or less) yourunderstanding of, and experience and demonstrated ability in:

·Designing and running MEL systems anddatabases with extraction and analysis using both qualitative and quantitativeevaluation methods

·Developing and maintaining partnershipsand collaborations to assess common objectives, and facilitating meetings togather MEL information for a specific project or objective within a project.

·Writing MEL evaluation reports andinformation for a range of audiences, from government officials to privatesector to community members.

2.SPC values monitoring and evaluative processes that informlearning, adaptation and planning. Please describe an example where you haveused M&E to generate and apply learning for performance improvement.

3.Describe your experience in strengthening organisational culturefor generation and use of robust MEL evidence, highlighting approaches withdifferent organisational stakeholders from different sectors (MELpractitioners, programme managers, senior managers, science and technicalstaff, etc.).



ECONSULTPACIFIC provides this vacancy announcement to those specialists on our databasewho have provided us with an email address and who have voluntarily subscribed.Unless otherwise indicated, ECO-CONSULT PACIFIC is not and will not be involvedin the selection process, nor in any of the negotiations for the position, andwill not claim any charges from the specialists.

The vacancies are obtained from regional and internationalorganizations,magazines, newspapers and colleagues. Although we will do our best to relate toyou the details on the positions as they have been provided to us, it is
possible that some information may be incorrect or outdated. ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC advises those interested in a vacancy to contact the advertisingorganization directly for specific details on the position. ECO-CONSULT
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IUCN (Fiji-based): Protected and Conserved Areas Programme Coordinator: 2022/157

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Please find Pacific Vacancies Announcement No. 2022/157 | Messages (20)

Protected and ConservedAreas Programme Coordinator

TheProtected and Conserved Areas Programme Coordinatoris responsible for overseeing all aspects of ORO’s Protected and ConservedAreas Programme (PACAP), including the BIOPAMA project. This includes projectimplementation, staff management, and reporting, monitoring and strategicdevelopment. In addition, this position is the focal point for the IUCN GlobalProtected Areas Programme (GPAP) and World Heritage Programme, and isresponsible for OROs engagement with and requirements related to thesedivisions..


Specific duties include, but are not limited tothe following:

Programme management

·Oversee thedevelopment, implementation, monitoring and reporting of annual budgets andwork plans for PACAP activities and projects;

·Manage PACAP staffin accordance with IUCN human resource policies, including building capacitythrough project work, secondments, mentoring and training opportunities;

·Sound financial andbudget management of PACAP activities, including ensuring that procurementprocesses follow IUCN procedures, record-keeping systems are in place andreporting is undertaken in accordance with donor requirements;

·Manage theimplementation of the Biodiversity and Protected Areas Programme (BIOPAMA) inaccordance with the ORO-GPAP Implementation Agreement, including (but notlimited to) managing the contractual arrangements for the Resource and Data Hub(SPREP), Action Component grant facility, preparation of technical reports andcapacity building support activities.

·Oversee IUCN’stechnical support to members and partners in the region for protected andconserved areas;
Promote protected and conserved areas as aneffective strategy to halt biodiversity loss, mitigate the impacts of climatechange and enhance community well-being;

·Foster a strongerunderstanding and wider adoption of IUCN tools and standards in the region suchas the Green List;

·Expand the qualityand coverage of IUCN publications focusing on the design and management ofprotected and conserved areas in Oceania;

·Support andinfluence policy mechanisms and strategies that expand and enhance theimplementation of protected and conserved areas (e.g., national strategies);

·Represent theOceania region at relevant forums, working groups and workshops.Partner engagement and communication.

·Foster and promotestrong relationships with donors and other partners (e.g., SPREP, NGOs andnational governments);

·Act as the focalpoint for protected areas issues, particularly concerning collaboration andpartnership with headquarters, IUCN members and commissions and partners;

·Develop and maintaina robust working partnership with the WCPA based on respect and mutually agreedexpectation levels;

·Ensure that allcommunication materials, including the IUCN website are innovative, accurateand comprehensive.Strategic development

·Identify and developopportunities for partnerships and collaboration with relevant organisationsand donors to expand the protected and conserved areas portfolio of projectsand activities;

·Contribute to thedevelopment and writing of IUCN proposals.

Institutional Support

·Represent IUCN inthe region in a way that promotes IUCN's mission and enhances the status of theUnion among decision-making bodies, intergovernmental agencies, nongovernmentalorganizations and the private sector;

·Participate andsupport ORO activities in the region as required;

·In collaborationwith the Membership focal point, support the implementation of the IUCNMembership Strategy.



Advanced degree in biodiversity conservation or arelated field, with a focus on protected and conserved areas.

Experience and competencies

·Minimum of 10 year’spost-qualification experience in the management of protected and conservedareas;

·Excellent knowledge of contemporary protected areatheory and practice;

·Experience in communicating and collaborating withmanagement agencies, academic institutions and local, national and regionalstakeholders to achieve agreed collective outcomes;

·Extensiveexperience in managing and supporting donor funded projects;

·Demonstrated experience in capacity building andworking as a facilitator or trainer in a multi-cultural setting;

·Fluent English (verbal/written) with excellentcommunication and presentation skills;

·Proficient in using office applications (MSWord/Excel/PowerPoint) and other web-based management systems;

·Ability to travel frequently as the positionrequires regular travel to ACP countries in the region and to internationalmeetings and events at a minimum of six missions per year (on average)


Applicantsare requested to apply online through the IUCN HR Management System by openingthe vacancy announcement and pressing the "Apply" button at:

Only short-listed candidates will be notified

IUCNis an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applications from qualified womenand men.



ECONSULTPACIFIC provides this vacancy announcement to those specialists on our databasewho have provided us with an email address and who have voluntarily subscribed.Unless otherwise indicated, ECO-CONSULT PACIFIC is not and will not be involvedin the selection process, nor in any of the negotiations for the position, andwill not claim any charges from the specialists.

The vacancies are obtained from regional and internationalorganizations,magazines, newspapers and colleagues. Although we will do our best to relate toyou the details on the positions as they have been provided to us, it is
possible that some information may be incorrect or outdated. ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC advises those interested in a vacancy to contact the advertisingorganization directly for specific details on the position. ECO-CONSULT
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Forum Secretariat (Pohnpei, FSM-based): SPIRIT - Trade Adviser - Micronesia: 2022/156

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SPIRIT – Trade Adviser - Micronesia

The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat

The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (Forum Secretariat) is theregion’s premier political and economic policy organisation, with a vision ofhelping to create a region of peace, harmony, security, social inclusion andprosperity, so that all Pacific people can lead free, healthy, and productivelives.

The international organisation works to achieve this vision byfostering cooperation between governments, collaboration with internationalagencies, and by representing the interests of its members - including directlyengaging with community members in order to identify pressing needs of theregion.

The work of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) is guidedby the Framework for Pacific Regionalism (FPR) as:

The expression of a common sense of identity and purpose, leadingprogressively to the sharing of institutions, resources, and markets, with thepurpose of complimenting national efforts, overcoming common constraints, andembracing sustainable and inclusive development within Pacific countries andterritories and for the Pacific region as a whole.

The FPR is underpinned by the Blue Pacific narrative, endorsed byForum Leaders in Samoa in 2017, which calls for a long-term regional commitmentto act as one “Blue Continent” as the means to achieve its developmentaspirations. The Leaders vision was that it would serve as the platform toreinforce and inspire the region in its shared stewardship of the PacificOcean, and to reaffirm the connections of Pacific peoples with their naturalresources, environment, culture and livelihoods.

The Opportunity

The Forum Secretariat is looking fora SPIRIT – Trade Adviser – Micronesia to join the team andwill be based at Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. SPIRIT is the StrengtheningPacific Intra-Regional and International Trade Project that will be implementedby PIFS and aligns to the Pacific Regional Integration Support (PRISE)programme. SPIRIT seeks to boost and increase intra-regional and internationaltrade through strengthening of institutional and human capacity of African, Caribbeanand Pacific countries (ACP). Reporting to the Team Leader - SPIRIT, theposition will be responsible for advancing, coordinating and implementing theProject’s work programme and activities in the Micronesia sub-region.

To facilitate the above, the incumbent will be responsible for:

·Providing advice and technical input tothe Team Leader in the formulation of the SPIRIT work programme for the designated subregion;

· Providing advice on trade matters to PACPs in the designated sub region;

· Coordinating capacity building, training and awareness in the threesub-regions and PACPs;

· Conducting research and provide technical advice to support theimplementation of SPIRIT in the designated sub region; and

· Providing accurate and timely reporting on project performance from thedesignated sub region.

TheSecretariat seeks a strategic andproficient individual with an advanced degree (Master’s level or equivalent) inTrade, economics, finance, development, public policy, or related field with demonstratedunderstanding and at least 7 years’ experience in the public sector preferablyin Trade and/or economic development in Small Islands Developing States,preferably in the Pacific region. Candidates must possess demonstratedexperience and working knowledge of Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) andassociated rules, procedures, requirements, EDF 11 priorities, including otherregional trade agreements such as including other regional trade agreement suchas PACER+.


The Benefits

The appointment carriesa competitive remuneration and benefits package including medical and lifeinsurance. The starting salary will be in the range of SDR 37,373 to SDR43,143 per annum. At the 1 March 2022 exchange rate this salary range wasequivalent to FJD111,996 to FJD129,287. Tobe eligible for this position, applicants must be nationals of Forum membercountries* and/or citizens of European Union or Organisation of African, Caribbeanand Pacific States. Applicants must bewilling to travel periodically via economy class. Previous applications neednot to reapply.

Interested applicants are encouraged toapply through our website: wherean information package containing the job description and remuneration detailsis also available. Candidates must includein either their application or Curriculum Vitae the full contact details ofthree referees. The Forum Secretariat isan Equal Opportunity Employer. Deadline forapplications is at 5pm (Fiji time), 29 April 2022.

* MemberStates of the Pacific Islands Forum: Australia,Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati,Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Republic ofthe Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.



ECONSULT PACIFIC provides this vacancy announcementto those specialists on our database who have provided us with an email addressand who have voluntarily subscribed. Unless otherwise indicated, ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC is not and will not be involved in the selection process, nor in any ofthe negotiations for the position, and will not claim any charges from thespecialists.

The vacancies are obtained from regional and internationalorganizations,magazines, newspapers and colleagues. Although we will do our best to relate toyou the details on the positions as they have been provided to us, it is
possible that some information may be incorrect or outdated. ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC advises those interested in a vacancy to contact the advertisingorganization directly for specific details on the position. ECO-CONSULT
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SPC (Fiji-based): Team Leader - Pacific Adoption to Waste to Energy Solutions Project: 2022/155

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Please find Pacific Vacancies Announcement No. 2022/155 | Messages (24)

Team Leader – Pacific Adoption to Waste to Energy Solutions Project

The Pacific Community (SPC) invites applications for the position of Team Leader – Pacific Adoption to Waste to Energy Solutions Project located at its regional office in Suva, Fiji.


The Pacific Community (SPC) is the principal scientific and technical organisation in the Pacific region, supporting development since 1947. We are an international development organisation owned and governed by our 27 country and territory members. In pursuit of sustainable development to benefit Pacific people, our organisation works across more than 20 sectors. We are known for our knowledge and innovation in such areas as fisheries science, public health, geoscience, and conservation of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture.

The Geoscience Energy and Maritime Division provides advice, technical assistance, research and training support to Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs). There are three (3) areas of scientific programming and two areas of focus within this division:

1. Oceans and Maritime Programme (OMP) assists member countries with services that provide applied ocean science and knowledge for evidence-based policy-making and technical solutions for improved ocean and maritime governance, management and capacity development.

2. Georesources and Energy Programme (GEP) assists member countries by applying technical knowledge in the areas of geoscience and sustainable energy use.

3. Disaster and Community Resilience Programme (DCRP) assists member countries to demonstrate strengthened resilience through integrated action on disaster risk management, climate change adaptation, natural resource management and increased access to water and sanitation.

The role – Team Leader – Pacific Adoption to Waste to Energy Solutions Project will lead the Pacific Adoption to Waste to Energy Solutions (PAWES) Project Team in implementing the PAWES Project. This position will play the role as the key energy expert with an emphasis on Waste-to-Energy Solutions. It will focus on coordinating and overseeing the daily implementation of project activities, working in partnership with key stakeholders in the 5 beneficiary countries of the project, liaising with partners and service providers, providing regular update and reporting to The Organisation of the Africa-Caribbean-Pacific Group of States (OACPS), and providing regular update to the Team Leader – Energy Security and the Deputy Director GEP. The position will be working very closely with The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), the main implementing partner of the PAWES Project. The Team Leader – PAWES Project will be working with internal and external partners to ensure all project activities are completed within the schedule timeframe and the successful implementation of the project. Additionally, this position is responsible for effective coordination of project tasks with national counterparts and key stakeholders in Papua New Guinea, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, and Tuvalu. The position works with teams across the GEM Division in the Renewable Energy and Resilience domains.

The key responsibilities of the role include:

· Project management

· Initiate and coordinate capacity strengthening of government entities in Waste-to-Energy and the collection and consolidation of data

· Promote and support cross-sectoral collaboration among government entities and the educational, research and private sector

· Coordinate the development of Waste-to-Energy training courses and solutions for tertiary education providers

For a more detailed account of the key responsibilities, please refer to the job description provided.

Key selection criteria


· A post-graduate degree in energy, renewable energy, climate change mitigation and/or related fields

Knowledge and experience

· At least 10 years of relevant experience in the energy sector, with 5 years of leadership experience at project/programme management level

· Experience in research and analysis, including in-depth knowledge in an energy sub-sector

· Previous experience working with donors and developing country partners

· Strategic planning and organisational development experience

Essential skills

· Demonstrated ability to prioritise and deliver timely and high-quality project outputs and outcomes

· Awareness of the FESRIP 2021-2030 and PICTs energy priorities

· Demonstrated ability to engage with donors, partners and other stakeholders

· Ability to identify and advocate for new/innovative ideas and solutions that will help the PAWES Project address its challenges and fulfill its purpose

· Critical thinking skills and the ability to foster partnerships

· Ability to support and contribute to teamwork and the implementation of GEP’s work plan

Language skills

Excellent English communication skills (oral and written) with a working knowledge of French being an advantage

Interpersonal skills and cultural awareness

· Ability to work in a multicultural, inclusive and equitable environment

Salary, terms and conditions

Contract Duration – until 13 December 2024 – possibility of extension based on funding and performance.

Due to the current travel restrictions caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic, and the priority SPC places on its staff safety, health and well-being, please note that there may be delays in taking up the appointment. These matters will be discussed thoroughly with successful candidates. In most cases, any appointment and on-boarding would only commence when relocation to the duty station is permitted.

Remuneration – The Team Leader – Pacific Adoption to Waste to Energy Solutions Project is a Band 11 position in SPC’s 2022 salary scale, with a starting salary range of 3,015‒3,769 SDR (special drawing rights) per month, which currently converts to approximately FJD 8,896–11,120 (USD 4,312–5,390; EUR 3,619–4,523). An offer of appointment for an initial contract will normally be made in the lower half of this range, with due consideration given to experience and qualifications. Progression within the salary scale will be based on annual performance reviews. Remuneration of expatriate SPC staff members is not subject to income tax in Fiji; Fiji nationals employed by SPC in Fiji will be subject to income tax.

Benefits for international employees based in Fiji – SPC provides a housing allowance of FJD 1,350–3,000 per month. Establishment and repatriation grant, removal expenses, airfares, home leave travel, health and life and disability insurances and education allowances are available for eligible employees and their eligible dependents. Employees are entitled to 25 working days of annual leave per annum and other types of leave, and access to SPC’s Provident Fund (contributing 8% of salary, to which SPC adds a matching contribution).

Languages – SPC’s working languages are English and French.

Recruitment principles SPC’s recruitment is based on merit and fairness, and candidates are competing in a selection process that is fair, transparent and non-discriminatory. SPC is an equal-opportunity employer, and is committed to cultural and gender diversity, including bilingualism, and will seek to attract and appoint candidates who respect these values. Due attention is given to gender equity and the maintenance of strong representation from Pacific Island professionals. If two interviewed candidates are ranked equal by the selection panel, preference will be given to the Pacific Islander.

Applicants will be assured of complete confidentiality in line with SPC’s Privacy Policy.

Application procedure

Closing Date – 3 May 2022 at 11:59pm Fiji time

Applicants must apply online at

Hard copies of applications will not be accepted.

For your application to be considered, you must provide us with:

· an updated resume

· contact details for three professional referees

· a cover letter detailing your skills, experience and interest in this position

· responses to all screening questions

Please ensure your documents are in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format.

Applicants should not attach copies of qualifications or letters of reference. These documents may be requested at a later stage.

For international staff in Fiji, only one foreign national per family can be employed with an entity operating in Fiji at any one given time. SPC may assist on a case-by-case basis with submissions to Fiji Ministry of Foreign Affairs for their consideration and final approval. SPC cannot and does not make any guarantee whatsoever of approval for such applications to the Fijian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and where an application is approved, the spouse or partner will subject to such terms and conditions as may be set from time to time by the Ministry.

Please ensure that you respond to all the screening questions. If you do not respond to the screening questions, your application will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed at shortlisting stage.

Screening Questions:

1. Please explain in simple terms what is waste to energy?

2. What are some of the waste management challenges in the Pacific Islands region?

3. How would you promote and support cross-sectoral collaboration in implementing the Pacific Adoption to Waste to Energy Solutions project?



ECONSULT PACIFIC provides this vacancy announcement to those specialists on our database who have provided us with an email address and who have voluntarily subscribed. Unless otherwise indicated, ECO-CONSULT PACIFIC is not and will not be involved in the selection process, nor in any of the negotiations for the position, and will not claim any charges from the specialists.

The vacancies are obtained from regional and internationalorganizations, magazines, newspapers and colleagues. Although we will do our best to relate to you the details on the positions as they have been provided to us, it is
possible that some information may be incorrect or outdated. ECO-CONSULT PACIFIC advises those interested in a vacancy to contact the advertising organization directly for specific details on the position. ECO-CONSULT
PACIFIC will not accept any liability for incorrect information.

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College of Micronesia - FSM (Pohnpei, FSM-based): President / CEO: 2022/154

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Please find Pacific VacanciesAnnouncement No. 2022/154 | Messages (26)


College ofMicronesia - FSM

Employment Opportunity

Re-advertisement [1] EO No: 2022-026

College of Micronesia–FSM
Human Resources Office P.O. Box 159
Kolonia, Pohnpei, FSM 96941
Phone: 691-320-2480 Email:

Opening Date: April 1, 2022

Closing Date: May 31, 2022

Positionand Salary: President/CEO

**Positionis eligible for housing or transportation benefit** Salary Negotiable

Location: National Campus

P.O. Box 159

Kolonia, Pohnpei FM96941

College of Micronesia – FSM Mission Statement

TheCollege of Micronesia-FSM is a learner-centered institution of higher educationthat is committed to the success of the Federated States of Micronesia byproviding academic and career & technical educational programscharacterized by continuous improvement and best practices.

Core Values: | Messages (27)

For specific information about the college, see the following:

·Position Profile

·College mission


·Strategicplans and goals


Challenges andOpportunities:

Thecollege currently faces a series of challenges; the president will have theopportunity to make a difference in the following areas:

1. Determineand implement strategies to secure future funding of the college including waysto increase student enrollment and retention;

2.Work effectively with the Board, faculty, staff, andstudents;

3.Maintain accreditation by offering high qualityeducational programs and services provided by outstanding faculty and staffaligned with the needs of the FSM;

4. Enhancestudent access to learning;

5.Cultivate a culture of genuine communication,inclusiveness, participatory governance, and respect for cultural diversitywith a shared focus on student success; and

6.Enhance overall standing of COM-FSM and advocate forthe college in all arenas, including communities and leadership of the FSM.

7.Review current technical programs across all sites andenhance and/or develop programs to address the needs of the nation.

Position Profile:

ThePresident is appointed by the Board of Regents to serve as the chief executiveofficer of the College of Micronesia-FSM (COM-FSM) and as the official advisorto and executive agent of the Board of Regents. The President is a non-votingex officio member of the Board and attends all Board meetings. The President,as educational and administrative head of the college, devotes her/his fulltime to exercising a general superintendence over all affairs of theinstitution and brings such matters to the attention of the Board as areappropriate to keep the Board fully informed in discharging its policy-makingresponsibilities. The President, on behalf of the Regents, performs all actsand executes all documents to make effective the actions of the Board.

1. Hasprimary responsibility for the quality of the institution including planning,development, organizing, selecting and developing personnel, and assessinginstitutional effectiveness with the primary focus on student success;

2. Securessufficient funding for the college by enhancing relationships with the FSM andState governments, increasing student enrollment, securing funding forimplementation of the college’s master infrastructure development plan,obtaining grants, and growing the endowment fund;

3. Establishesa collegial process that sets the college’s values, goals, and priorities;

4. Appreciatescultural diversity and supports an inclusive college community;

5. Ensuresthe college sets institutional performance standards for student achievement;

6. Ensuresthat evaluation and planning rely on high quality research and data analysis ofexternal and internal conditions;

7. Ensuresthat educational planning is integrated with resource planning and allocationto support student achievement and learning;

8. Ensuresthat the college’s annual budget allocates resources to support learning andachievement;

9. Establishesprocedures to evaluate overall institutional planning and implementation effortsto achieve the mission of the college;

10. Enhancerecruitment, development, support, and retention of quality faculty and staff;

11. Plans,oversees, and evaluates an administrative structure organized and staffed toreflect the college’s purposes, size, and complexity;

12. Delegatesauthority to administrators and others consistent with their responsibilities,as appropriate;

13. Providesprimary leadership for accreditation, ensuring that the college meets orexceeds ACCJC Eligibility Requirements, Accreditation Standards, and Commissionpolicies at all times;

14. Assuresthe implementation of statutes, regulations, and Board of Regents policies andassures that college practices are consistent with the college’s mission andpolicies, including effective control of budget and expenditures;

15. Maintainsa highly visible leadership role, working and communicating effectively withthe communities served by the college including the Board of Regents, faculty,staff, students, and stakeholders to enhance the effectiveness and standing ofthe college;

16. Performsuch other additional duties as the Board may require.

Applicant must have the educationalcredentials from a regionally accredited institution and executive leadershipexperience necessary to earn the respect and trust of the college, itsassociates abroad, and the public and private sectors in the Federated Statesof Micronesia. Foreign credentials must be equated to meet US standards usingWorld Education Services at A master’s degree is the minimumqualification. Significant prior executive leadership responsibility,considerable experience in an institution of comparable size and complexity,proficiency in addressing the challenges faced by COM-FSM are required. Highereducation teaching experience preferred.

Toensure full consideration in the COM-FSM presidential search, candidates mustsubmit the following documents in PDF to

1. Aletter of interest addressing how the candidate’s professional qualificationand experience match the challenges and position profile (not to exceed threepages);

2. COM-FSMapplication form

3. Acurrent resume which includes personal email address and cellular phone number;

4. Copiesof transcripts for all degrees earned;

5. Courtreport (background check) under 6 months old; and

6. Aminimum of five professional reference letters under six months old.

Thecollege reserves the right to request or require from any applicant additionaldocumentation or certification in addition to the minimum requirements statedin this advertisement in order to be considered for this position.



ECONSULT PACIFIC provides this vacancy announcementto those specialists on our database who have provided us with an email addressand who have voluntarily subscribed. Unless otherwise indicated, ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC is not and will not be involved in the selection process, nor in any ofthe negotiations for the position, and will not claim any charges from thespecialists.

The vacancies are obtained from regional and internationalorganizations,magazines, newspapers and colleagues. Although we will do our best to relate toyou the details on the positions as they have been provided to us, it is
possible that some information may be incorrect or outdated. ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC advises those interested in a vacancy to contact the advertisingorganization directly for specific details on the position. ECO-CONSULT
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Cardno (Marshall Islands-based): Workers Compensation Adviser: 2022/153

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Please find Pacific VacanciesAnnouncement No. 2022/153 | Messages (29)

Workers Compensation Adviser

This new advisory positionwill provide technical assistance to theMarshall Islands SocialSecurity Administration (MISSA)to set up the smooth implementation ofa Workers Compensation Program.

Key responsibilitiesinclude:

·Meeting with service providers to ascertain the necessary stepsrequired for smooth implementation of the scheme

·Reviewing the Workers Compensation Act, and determining ifamendments need to be introduced to the Nitijela (parliament)

·Reviewing existing forms and claims processes

·Commissioning a study of an actuary to establish a premium andmodel for insurance

·Liaising with insurance providers to produce insurance productsfor private employers

·Scoping requirements to establish a Worker’s Compensation Fundfor injured Government employees

·Carrying out public information sessions for both workers and employers

·Supporting the capacity development of MISSA

More information here:

Applications closeThursday April 21st 2022.



ECONSULT PACIFIC provides this vacancy announcementto those specialists on our database who have provided us with an email addressand who have voluntarily subscribed. Unless otherwise indicated, ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC is not and will not be involved in the selection process, nor in any ofthe negotiations for the position, and will not claim any charges from thespecialists.

The vacancies are obtained from regional and internationalorganizations,magazines, newspapers and colleagues. Although we will do our best to relate toyou the details on the positions as they have been provided to us, it is
possible that some information may be incorrect or outdated. ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC advises those interested in a vacancy to contact the advertisingorganization directly for specific details on the position. ECO-CONSULT
PACIFIC will not accept any liability for incorrect information.

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Micronesia Conservation Trust Consultancy: Baseline Survey 'Climate-Resilient Food Security for Farming Households: 2022/152

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Please find Pacific VacanciesAnnouncement No. 2022/152 | Messages (31) | Messages (32)



The GreenClimate Fund (GCF) project “Climate-resilient food security for farminghouseholds across the Federated States of Micronesia” (SAP020, approved March2021) through the Department of Resources and Development (R&D), invites interested individuals or groups tosubmit written proposals to gather baseline data for staple crops in the FSM (e.g.,taro, yam, breadfruit, banana, andcoconut), marine species thatpossess the potential for local aquaculture development, and other foods andmodel climate change impacts such as salinization, increasing temperature,saltwater intrusion/inundation, etc., on future crop yields for 2050 and 2090.

Interestedindividuals or groups with the intention of conducting a baseline for theproject will submit the following:

1.Atechnical proposal detailing their interpretation of the TOR, proposedmethodology including survey framework, work schedule and proposed budget.

2.Acapability statement demonstrating how they meet the required qualificationsand competencies and examples of prior work performance as related to this TOR.

Details of theservices required of the consultant can be found in the Terms of Reference. Toobtain a copy of the Terms of Reference for the assignment, please access it at this link.

Proposals should besubmitted electronically to:

Mr. MarkKostka Ms. Jo Lynne JG. Mori

ProjectManager, GCF-FSM Food Security Project Task Manager, MCT GCFSAP020

FSMDepartment of Resources & Development Micronesia Conservation Trust

FSMNational Government P.O.Box 2177

P.O. BoxPS12 Peilapalap,Pohnpei 96941


Submission Deadline:April 23, 2022 at 11:55PM Pohnpei Time




The Green Climate Fund (GCF) project“Climate-resilient food security for farming households across the FederatedStates of Micronesia” (SAP020, approved March 2021) is a five-year project andthe first comprehensive national effort to focus on increasing the resilienceof FSM’s most vulnerable communities to food insecurity in the face of climatechange. The project targets all households (about 63% households withapproximately 68,250 direct beneficiaries) in the high islands of the FSMengaged in some form of agriculture, including fisheries and aquaculture. Theproject aims to improve technical capacity and coordination for Climate SmartAgriculture (CSA) planning and policy, to support informed and improveddecision-making for agriculture through downscaled climate information,increase availability, stability, affordability and accessibility of locallygrown food for food security, improve nutritional outcomes for vulnerablehouseholds, develop new opportunities for income and household productivity,and strengthen climate-resilient value chains across the agriculture sector.This will be accomplished by implementing three interrelated components:

Establishing an enabling environment for adaptive action and investment: This includes: institutional coordination; undertaking descaledintegrated vulnerability assessments to identify risks and threats from sealevel rise, flooding, rising temperature, environmental changes and storms;incorporating climate change into state and national planning and policy;developing a network of farmer associations; disseminating tailoredcommunications for informed decision-making; implementing observational toolsfor introducing and maintainingenvironmental sustainability in the face of a rapidly changing climate.Specifically, these outputs will be used to identify and incorporate resiliencestrategies into national and local Hazard Mitigation Plans, Master Plans andplanned infrastructure projects, to better target adaptation investments basedon community-level vulnerabilities, improve technical capacity for climatesmart planning and policy, cement political commitment and accountability forCSA, and drive informed decision-making for farmers, Altogether, these will increase the adaptive capacity of FSMand lay the foundation for improved strategic planning for food security andclimate resiliency.

Enhancing the food security of vulnerable households by introducing CSApractices: This includes establishingagroforestry systems, capacity building for extension agents, awarenessbuilding and training for FSM households, and developing reserve capacity forclimate disruption. This will increase the availability, stability,affordability, and accessibility of locally grown food for food security,improve nutritional outcomes for vulnerable households, develop newopportunities for income and household productivity, and drive a nationalchange in awareness and utilization of CSA for improved resiliency.

Strengthening climate-resilient value-chains and market linkages acrossthe agriculture sector:This includes the development of newmarkets for local agriculture including aquaculture and fisheries, enhancedfood processing and preservation, and increasing awareness and consumption oflocal food. This will strengthen climate-resilient value chains across theagriculture sector, improve food security gaps through storage and processing,significantly transform opportunities for improved livelihoods, thereby drivingincreased adaptive capacity, and create a robust incentive framework for localfarmers to leverage CSA packages beyond the life of the project to secure along-term shift towards improved climate resiliency with regards to foodsecurity.


The Micronesia Conservation Trust (MCT) is the AccreditedEntity (AE) for the project. It is responsible for supervising theimplementation, financial management, evaluation, reporting and closure andoverall fiduciary responsibility for the project. The FSM National Government,acting through the Department of Resources and Development (R&D) and theDepartment of Environment, Climate Change & Emergency (DECEM), as well asthe College of Micronesia (COM-FSM), will serve as the Executing Entities (EE).The FSM Government and COM-FSM have overall responsibility for the effectivedelivery of required inputs to achieve the expected project outputs. The FSMgovernment is responsible for Component 1, and COM-FSM will be responsible forComponents 2 and 3. The Project Management Unit of the project is based at theDepartment of R&D and is responsible for the implementation of the project.

About the Project:

The FSM Department of Resources and Development is seeking aconsultancy service to gather baseline data for staple crops in the FSM (e.g.,taro, yam, breadfruit, banana, and coconut), marine species that possess thepotential for local aquaculture development, and other foods and model climatechange impacts such as salinization, increasing temperature, saltwaterintrusion/inundation, etc., on future crop yields for 2050 and 2090. Currently,baseline crop data does not exist across FSM or for many Pacific IslandCountries (PICs), which prohibits modeling climate change impacts on futurecrop yields. This activity will develop the baseline for the country’s staplecrops, identify potential aquaculture of marine species, and enable theprojection of climate change impacts on future agriculture yields andaquaculture development. These results will help inform future food securityplanning and decision making in the four states of the FSM and the FSM’s‘Climate-Resilient Food Security for Farming Households project across the FSM.

Purpose of Consultancy

In close collaboration with the Project Management Unit, theconsultant is expected to lead the baseline survey to collect, analyze anddisseminate accurate, reliable, timely, and accessible data on staple crops(e.g., taro, yam, breadfruit, banana, arrowroot, and coconut) and potentialaquaculture species (rabbit fish, Sea cucumber, giant clams and etc.) acrossthe FSM and model climate change impacts on future crop yields for 2050 and2090.

The consultant will create the sampling strategy,methodology, survey data questions, data analysis plan, and the fieldworkschedule, specifying how the information will be collected, organized, andanalyzed according to the information needs specified in the scope of work andthrough consultation with the project team. The consultancy could connect withlocal organizations and NGOs to assist in data collection and logistics.

Scope of work

The baseline survey is intended to gather data for staple andaquaculture crops including taro, yam, breadfruit, banana, and coconut at thebeginning of the project. The survey will accompany the qualitative andquantitative data that is gathered during the baseline survey. The baselinesurvey results will include:

(1)Detailed assessment of the impact ofclimate change on the agriculture sector, including aquaculture, nationwide andfor each state in the FSM;

(2)Criteria for selection ofclimate-resilient agriculture (“CRA”) packages, which shall take intoconsideration site- and crop-specific impacts of climate change;

(3)Comprehensive baseline of allmonitoring indicators provided in section D.2 of the Funding Proposal; and

(4)Three CRA packages developed forthree different agricultural activities (one for each of sustainable landmanagement, agroforestry, and climate change impact-resistant food systems),which will include location information, observed site-specific climate changeand related impact, adverse climate change impact mitigation measures plannedin the activities, risk assessment, mechanisms for ensuring the long-termsustainability of results, indicators for results monitoring and monitoringmodality.

Duties and deliverables

The consultant will lead in preparing the assessment,including the baseline surveys, across the FSM. All written documents must besubmitted in English using Microsoft Word in both soft and hard copy. The main bodyof all reports should be written in non-technical language with technicalmaterials, as applicable, presented in annexes. All primary data collection andanalysis conducted for the baseline is to be recorded using Microsoft Excel andMS Word and will remain the property of the FSM National Government.

The baseline assessment is to include detailed focus on thefood ecosystems of the FSM and designed to modelclimate change impacts on future crop yields for 2050 and 2090. The consultantwill provide the following deliverables to the FSM National Government withinthe timeframe stated:

1. Inception Report:By the 14th day after signing the contract, a detailed report on theconsultant’s proposed final baseline design and methodology will be submittedto FSM National Government Department of Resources and Development forapproval. This will provide preliminary context based on document review,rationale, a detailed description of the methodology and tools, analyticalmethods, budget with a breakdown of costs, and a detailed work plan completewith activities, outputs, indicators, timelines and risks for the entireexercise. Any draft questionnaires or interview forms will also be submittedfor review at this stage.

2. Interview Notes andList of Resource Documents: The Consultant shall provide FSM NationalGovernment summaries of all key meetings and discussions conducted during thebaseline and copies of any relevant documents and reports gathered as part ofthe baseline survey by 10th August 2022

3. Summary Presentation of Findings to FSM National Government andStakeholders: The Consultant shall present initial findings to FSM NationalGovernment and Stakeholders: for review, comment, and feedback by 31st August2022. A PowerPoint presentation and handout (maximum of two pages) shall beprepared for presentation through a workshop to the project stakeholders,preferably via an online platform. The Consultant shall consider FSM NationalGovernment and Stakeholders’ comments and revise the draft report as appropriate.

4. Baseline Report: A draft baseline report is due by 15th September2022. Within three business days of receiving FSM National Government andStakeholders feedback to the draft report, one electronic (MS Word) copy of thefinal baseline report is due to FSM National Government and Stakeholders by30th September 2022. The final baseline report should not exceed 45 pages,excluding annexes. The baseline report shall include the following:

a. Executive Summary (3 pagesmaximum)

b. Background

c. Introduction

d. Methodology

e. Findings

f. Conclusions (1 -2 pages)

Appendices. Including:

A.I. Scope of Work

A.2 Data collection tools includingsurvey instruments

A.3. Key data sets, includinginterview transcripts

A.4. List of key informants

List of Qualifications Required

Preferred qualifications: A minimum of a Masters’ degree in environment,economics, sociology, or related social science field, or equivalent.Experience in qualitative and quantitative data collection related toenvironment or food security. Knowledge of, or previous work experience in, theFSM or Pacific Islands. Fluency in English. The consultant opportunity is opento both individuals and organizations.

Duration of the role

The baseline survey should be conducted from May 01, 2022, to September30, 2022. The consultancy will be of a duration estimated to be 5 months.Immediate availability to begin fieldwork is required.

Submission of Application

Interested consultants or firms are requested to submit:

1.A technical proposal detailing theirinterpretation of the TOR, proposed methodology including survey framework,work schedule and proposed budget.

2. A capabilitystatement demonstrating how they meet the required qualifications andcompetencies and examples of prior work performance as related to this TOR.

Please submit application to:(preferably electronic submission)

Mr. Mark Kostka

Project Manager, GCF-FSM FoodSecurity Project

FSM Department of Resources andDevelopment

FSM National Government

P.O Box PS12

Palikir, Pohnpei FM 96941


Ms. Jo Lynne JG. Mori

Task Manager, MCT GCF SAP020 FSM FoodSecurity Project

Micronesia Conservation Trust

P.O Box 2177

Peilapalap, Pohnpei 96941




ECONSULT PACIFIC provides this vacancy announcementto those specialists on our database who have provided us with an email addressand who have voluntarily subscribed. Unless otherwise indicated, ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC is not and will not be involved in the selection process, nor in any ofthe negotiations for the position, and will not claim any charges from thespecialists.

The vacancies are obtained from regional and internationalorganizations,magazines, newspapers and colleagues. Although we will do our best to relate toyou the details on the positions as they have been provided to us, it is
possible that some information may be incorrect or outdated. ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC advises those interested in a vacancy to contact the advertisingorganization directly for specific details on the position. ECO-CONSULT
PACIFIC will not accept any liability for incorrect information.

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Of course, you can always join again later, by sending a blank email messageto:

PISFCC (Fiji & Solomon Islands-based): Digital Media Officer & Administrative Officer: 2022/150-151

Wilco Liebregts
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Please find Pacific VacanciesAnnouncement No. 2022/150-151 | Messages (34)

Pacific Islands Students Fighting Climate Change - PISFCC

· Digital Media Officer – Fiji based

·Administrative Officer – Solomon Islands based


Digital Media Officer

Duty Station: Fiji

Employment type - Full Time

Duration: 1 year (with a possible extensiondepending on funding availability)

Job Description

The DigitalMedia Officer, based in Fiji, will play an important and significant role onPISFCC’s Communications team, working in close collaboration with theCampaigners on strategy, messaging, content and partnerships. The position islooking for individuals with experience in the digital campaign space whopossess creative production experience. The officer would be required to:

  • Develop and manage PISFCC’s storytelling strategies and implement them in order to maximise PISFCC’s impact;
  • Support implementation of PISFCC’s communications and digital media strategy across traditional and online media platforms;
  • Ensure messaging consistency across PISFCC’s campaign communications;
  • Assist with PISFCC’s partners with their communications management and attend partner meetings and events;
  • Manage PISFCC social media platforms and explore opportunities to expand into other social media platforms and services to engage new target audiences and raise the external profile of the organisation.
  • Develop digital media kits;
  • Monitor, review and analyse comments and conversations on PISFCC social media sites and also on external social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc. to identify insights, emerging trends, risks, and opportunities for engagement.
  • Keep up-to-date on communications and digital industry standards and trends;
  • Contribute to media releases and opinion pieces;
  • Develop, advise on and create high-quality, compelling digital content for the PISFCC website and social media channels.
  • Have knowledge of photography and videography, including experience editing videos and photos, producing graphics, and perform other production responsibilities as directed.
  • Manage the PISFCC website and assist in managing the WYCJ website and mailing list, Slack channels, and Google Workspace accounts.
  • Evaluate and report on PISFCC’s digital media performance.
  • Be willing to travel locally and internationally.
  • Participate in communications and other relevant training.
  • Maintaining a database of media contacts.
  • Any other responsibilities assigned by the Executive Committee and Campaign Director.

RequiredQualifications and Experience

  • Relevant tertiary qualifications, for example, in Communications, Computer and Information Systems, Digital Media, or Journalism.
  • A minimum of 2 years experience working in a related field (e.g. media or digital media production, social media campaigns, website development and management)
  • Proficient in written and spoken English
  • Proficient in MS Office Suite, Google Workspace, Facebook, Google Analytics, Mailchimp and Slack, etc.
  • Strong design and HTML skills, including a good command of Adobe Creative Suite tools, infographic design tools and content management systems.
  • Experience in video production and editing.
  • Motivated, flexible and able to work as a team member and on his/her own initiative when the situation demands.
  • Creative and enthusiastic.

Administrative Officer

Duty Station: Solomon Islands

Employment type - Part Time

Duration: 1 year (with a possible extensiondepending on funding availability)

Job Description

As afast-growing civil society organisation, PISFCC is seeking a part-timeAdministrative Officer to effectively and efficiently handle its administrativeand financial record-keeping needs.

  • Administer payments, payroll and other financial processes of the organisation.
  • Undertake bookkeeping for the organisation.
  • Assist in strengthening the organisation’s administrative processes.
  • Assist in the organisation’s grant reconciliation and record-keeping.
  • Prepare documentation necessary for the auditing of the organisation.
  • Assist the organisation in complying with relevant laws and regulations of the Solomon Islands.

RequiredQualifications and Experience

  • Tertiary qualification in Accounting, Management or Finance.
  • A minimum of 2 years experience in a similar role.
  • Proficient written and spoken English
  • Proficient in using accounting software applications
  • Strong organisational skills with a problem-solving attitude
  • Keen attention to detail

Applications forboth vacancies close on the 06th of April 2022. Allsubmissions must be made through



ECONSULT PACIFIC provides this vacancy announcementto those specialists on our database who have provided us with an email addressand who have voluntarily subscribed. Unless otherwise indicated, ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC is not and will not be involved in the selection process, nor in any ofthe negotiations for the position, and will not claim any charges from thespecialists.

The vacancies are obtained from regional and internationalorganizations,magazines, newspapers and colleagues. Although we will do our best to relate toyou the details on the positions as they have been provided to us, it is
possible that some information may be incorrect or outdated. ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC advises those interested in a vacancy to contact the advertisingorganization directly for specific details on the position. ECO-CONSULT
PACIFIC will not accept any liability for incorrect information.

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SPREP (Samoa-based): Waste Management and Pollution Control Vacancies: 2022/147-149

Wilco Liebregts
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Please find Pacific VacanciesAnnouncement No. 2022/147-149 | Messages (36)


Applications are invited for thefollowing positions with SPREP at Apia.

The Secretariat has exciting andchallenging opportunities for qualified professionals who are interested to bepart of one of the world’s leading regional environmental organisations basedin Apia, Samoa with about 100 staff recruited from around the world. Thefollowing opportunities are open to local and international candidates.


1. Monitoring andEvaluation Specialist – Pacific Ocean Litter Project (POLP)

2. Senior ProjectOfficer – POLP

3. Communicationsand Stakeholders Engagement Officer – POLP

Applications Close: Friday, 22April 2022

Full details on responsibilities,requirements, remuneration packages and lodging an application can be obtainedfrom the Career Opportunities section of our website: or by contacting Roger Warren ontelephone: +685 21929 Ext. 325, Fax: +685 20231, or direct Email:rogerw@....



ECONSULT PACIFIC provides this vacancy announcementto those specialists on our database who have provided us with an email addressand who have voluntarily subscribed. Unless otherwise indicated, ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC is not and will not be involved in the selection process, nor in any ofthe negotiations for the position, and will not claim any charges from thespecialists.

The vacancies are obtained from regional and internationalorganizations,magazines, newspapers and colleagues. Although we will do our best to relate toyou the details on the positions as they have been provided to us, it is
possible that some information may be incorrect or outdated. ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC advises those interested in a vacancy to contact the advertisingorganization directly for specific details on the position. ECO-CONSULT
PACIFIC will not accept any liability for incorrect information.

Although we have many email recipients for 'Pacific Vacancies', your addresswill remain confidential. If you do not want to receive the vacancyannouncements anymore, please send a blank email to:

Of course, you can always join again later, by sending a blank email messageto:

SPC (Fiji-based): Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manager: 2022/146

Wilco Liebregts
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Please find Pacific VacanciesAnnouncement No. 2022/146 | Messages (38)

Monitoring, Evaluation andLearning Manager

The Pacific Community (SPC)invites applications for the position of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manager locatedat its regional office in Suva, Fiji.


ThePacific Community (SPC) is the principal scientific and technicalorganisation in the Pacific region, supporting development since 1947. We arean international development organisation owned and governed by our 27 countryand territory members. In pursuit of sustainable development to benefit Pacificpeople, our organisation works across more than 20 sectors. We are known forour knowledge and innovation in such areas as fisheries science, public health,geoscience, and conservation of plant genetic resources for food andagriculture.

The Human Rights and Social Development (HRSD)Division has a vision for just, equitable and resilient Pacific societies.It aims to achieve this by advancinghuman rights, equality and social inclusion for all Pacific people, grounded incultural values and principles. The work of this Division includes workpreviously undertaken by the Regional Rights Resource Team in the area of humanrights and good governance, and the Social Development Programme in the areasof gender equality and social inclusion, culture and youth development.

In line with its vision, the work of theDivision encompasses the following focal areas:

·Objective 1: Governance for humanrights and social development: Strengthen inclusive, transparent and activegovernance for human rights and social development.

·Objective 2: Gender equality andsocial inclusion: Mobilise, empower and build conditions for genderequality, equity and social inclusion in society and development.

·Objective 3: Culture:Promote, preserve and protect positive expressions of culture.

·Objective 4: Social innovation andlearning: Enhance knowledge, learning and innovative solutionsto accelerate impact on human development priorities.

PacificWomen Lead (PWL)is a new AUD 170 million Pacific regional development program, funded by theAustralian Government. Commencing in 2021 for an initial period of five years,components of PWL will be managed and delivered by HRSD under its Business Planand work programme for 2021-2025. The PWL program goal is that Pacific womenand girls, in all their diversity, are safe and equitably share in resources,opportunities and decision-making, with men and boys. There are threeend-of-program outcomes envisaged: (1) Women’s leadership promoted; (2) Women’srights realised; and (3) Pacific regional partners increase the effectivenessof regional gender equality efforts.

Therole – Monitoring, Evaluation andLearning Manager will lead the implementationof the monitoring, evaluation and learning framework and approach for SPC’sPacific Women Lead program, ensuring alignment with the MEL framework andapproach for the HRSD Business Plan and work program 2021-2025, and providingmanagement and technical assistance as required. The MEL Manager is a key rolewithin the PWL programme team and works closely with the PWL CommunicationsAdviser, collaborates with HRSD MEL staff and supervises the PWL MEL Officer,Research Officer and Database Officer. The MEL Manager provides overall qualityassurance on reporting, advice, and capacity building to the PWL team withinHRSD and several Pacific partners to continually improve data collection,reporting and learning processes. The role will also have responsibilities inrisk management for the program and division.

Thekey responsibilities of the role include:

·Manage and provide technical assistance (includingdata analysis and collection) for the MEL framework across the Pacific WomenLead program

·Build MEL capacity of PWL team and partners

·Provide overall quality assurance of MELactivities and deliverables

·MEL strategic planning, policy and programmingadvice

·Leadership and management

·Risk management

Fora more detailed account of the key responsibilities, please refer to the jobdescription provided.

Key selection criteria


·A tertiary degree or postgraduate qualification in monitoring andevaluation, gender studies, development, social sciences, project/programmemanagement or a related discipline

Knowledge and experience

·At least 7 years of experience in a similar role supporting MELand/or related organisational systems for complex programs

·Experience undertaking MEL tasks for development programs

·Knowledge and experience working with a range of organisations,including civil society, government, and private sector, and individual leadersworking in various areas of gender equality and issues affecting women acrossthe Pacific region

·Understanding and knowledge of Pacific cultural values andinternational human rights principles and standards

Essential skills

·Understanding of a range of MEL methodologies and approaches (particularlytheory-based approaches) and the relative benefits or drawbacks associated witheach

·Ability to interact with various stakeholders and facilitate linkagesbetween organisations

·Innovative thinker and critical analysis skills

·Complex multisector coordination, planning and design skills

·Excellent presentation, facilitation and communication skills withstrong reporting writing ability at a project donor reporting level

·Networking and stakeholder engagement skills

·Project management skills

Language skills

·Excellent English communicationskills (oral and written)

Interpersonal skills and culturalawareness

·Ability to work in a multicultural, inclusive and equitableenvironment

·Excellent interpersonal and representational skills withexperience in building and maintaining effective working relationships with arange of different individuals and organisations

·Awareness of the cultural, political and religious sensitivitiesacross the Pacific region

Salary, terms and conditions

Contract Duration – 3years

Due to the current travel restrictions caused by the global COVID-19pandemic, and the priority SPC places on its staff safety, health andwell-being, please note that there may be delays in taking up the appointment.These matters will be discussed thoroughly with successful candidates. In mostcases, any appointment and on-boarding would only commence when relocation tothe duty station is permitted.

Remuneration – The Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manager is a Band 11position in SPC’s 2022 salary scale, with a starting salary range of 3,015‒3,769SDR (special drawing rights) per month, which currently converts toapproximately FJD 8,896–11,120 (USD 4,312–5,390; EUR 3,619–4,523). An offer of appointment for an initial contract will normally be made inthe lower half of this range, with due consideration given to experience andqualifications. Progression within thesalary scale will be based on annual performance reviews. Remuneration ofexpatriate SPC staff members is not subject to income tax in Fiji; Fijinationals employed by SPC in Fiji will be subject to income tax.

Benefits for international employees based in Fiji– SPC provides a housing allowance ofFJD 1,350–3,000 per month. Establishment and repatriationgrant, removal expenses, airfares, home leave travel, health and life anddisability insurances and education allowances are available for eligibleemployees and their eligible dependents. Employees are entitled to 25 working daysof annual leave per annum and other types of leave, and access to SPC’sProvident Fund (contributing 8% of salary, to which SPC adds a matchingcontribution).

Languages – SPC’s working languagesare English and French.

Recruitment principles SPC’s recruitment is based on merit and fairness, and candidates arecompeting in a selection process that is fair, transparent and non-discriminatory.SPC is an equal-opportunity employer, and is committed to cultural andgender diversity, including bilingualism, and will seek to attract and appointcandidates who respect these values. Due attention is given to gender equityand the maintenance of strong representation from Pacific Island professionals.If two interviewed candidates are ranked equal by the selection panel,preference will be given to the Pacific Islander.

Applicants will beassured of complete confidentiality in line with SPC’s Privacy Policy.

Application procedure

Closing Date – 25 April 2022 at11:59pm Fiji time

Applicants must applyonline at

Hard copies of applications willnot be accepted.

For your application to be considered, you must provideus with:

· an updated resume

·contactdetails for three professional referees

·a coverletter detailing your skills, experience and interest in this position

· responses to all screening questions

Please ensure your documents are in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format.

Applicants should not attach copies of qualifications or letters ofreference. These documents may be requested at a later stage.

For international staff in Fiji, only one foreign nationalper family can be employed with an entity operating in Fiji at any one giventime. SPC may assist on a case-by-case basis with submissions to Fiji Ministryof Foreign Affairs for their consideration and final approval. SPC cannot anddoes not make any guarantee whatsoever of approval for such applications to theFijian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and where an application is approved, thespouse or partner will subject to such terms and conditions as may be set fromtime to time by the Ministry.

Please ensure that yourespond to all the screening questions. If you do notrespond to the screening questions, your application will be consideredincomplete and will not be reviewed at shortlisting stage.

Screening Questions:

1.Pleasedescribe a program-wide monitoring, evaluation and learning framework that youhave developed, including the most important elements/components.

2.Whatexperience have you had in managing a data analysis or synthesis process with ateam, and what types of tools/processes did you find useful?

3.Whatprocesses would you recommend for measuring norms and attitude change?



ECONSULT PACIFIC provides this vacancy announcementto those specialists on our database who have provided us with an email addressand who have voluntarily subscribed. Unless otherwise indicated, ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC is not and will not be involved in the selection process, nor in any ofthe negotiations for the position, and will not claim any charges from thespecialists.

The vacancies are obtained from regional and internationalorganizations,magazines, newspapers and colleagues. Although we will do our best to relate toyou the details on the positions as they have been provided to us, it is
possible that some information may be incorrect or outdated. ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC advises those interested in a vacancy to contact the advertisingorganization directly for specific details on the position. ECO-CONSULT
PACIFIC will not accept any liability for incorrect information.

Although we have many email recipients for 'Pacific Vacancies', your addresswill remain confidential. If you do not want to receive the vacancyannouncements anymore, please send a blank email to:

Of course, you can always join again later, by sending a blank email messageto:

SPC (Fiji-based): Senior ICT Technician: 2022/145

Wilco Liebregts
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Please find Pacific VacanciesAnnouncement No. 2022/145 | Messages (40)

Senior ICT Technician

ØSuva-based position(Fiji)

ØCompetitive expatriatepackage

ØJoin the principaldevelopment organisation in the region

The Pacific Community (SPC) invites applications for the positionofSenior ICT Technician,located at its regional office in Suva,Fiji.


ThePacificCommunity (SPC)is the principal scientific and technical organisationin the Pacific region, supporting development since 1947. We are aninternational development organisation owned and governed by our 26 country andterritory members. In pursuit of sustainable development to benefit Pacificpeople, our organisation works across more than 20 sectors. We are known forour knowledge and innovation in such areas as fisheries science, public healthsurveillance, geoscience, and conservation of plant genetic resources for foodand agriculture.

TheOperations andManagement Directorate (OMD)provides corporate services to all SPCdivisions and programmes. It consists of three key teams: Finance, HumanResources and Information Services. OMD is focused on improving the effectivenessof systems, policies and management so as to provide high-qualitycustomer-oriented services.

The role – TheSenior ICT Technicianwillassist and supervise the ICT Team in service delivery. The key responsibilitiesof the role include:

· Supervision of ICTTechnicians

· Helpdesk Support level 2& 3, Desktop Troubleshooting and Maintenance

· Basic SystemsAdministration Tasks

· System administration

· Technical support for SPCtelephone system

· End User software &hardware support

· Conference & remotesite support

For a more detailedaccount of the key responsibilities, please refer to the job descriptionprovided online.

Key selection criteria


·Diploma in IT or Equivalent Tertiary Qualification

Knowledgeand experience

·5 years of relevant IT work experience

·Knowledge of Microsoft based systems

·Demonstrate Oral and Written Communication Skills

·Switch and Router configuration

·Audio Visual systems


·Excellent English communication skills(oral and written) with a working knowledge of French being an advantage

Interpersonalskills and cultural awareness

·Ability to work in a multicultural,inclusive and equitable environment

·Knowledge of Pacific Island countriesand territories is an advantage.

Salary, terms and conditions

ContractDuration –3 years

Due to the current travel restrictions caused by the globalCOVID-19 pandemic, and the priority SPC places on its staff safety, health andwell-being, please note that there may be delays in taking up the appointment.These matters will be discussed thoroughly with successful candidates. In mostcases, any appointment and on-boarding would only commence when relocation tothe duty station is permitted.

Remuneration–TheSeniorICT Technicianis a Band 8 position in SPC’s 2022 salary scale, with astarting salary range of 1,994‒2,493 SDR (special drawing rights) per month,which currently converts to approximately FJD 5,883–7,354 (USD 2,852–3,565; EUR2,393–2,991).An offer of appointment for an initial contract willnormally be made in the lower half of this range, with due consideration givento experience and qualifications.Progression within the salary scale willbe based on annual performance reviews. Remuneration of expatriate SPC staffmembers are not subject to income tax in Fiji; Fiji nationals employed by SPCin Fiji will be subject to income tax.

Benefits for international employees based inFiji –SPCprovides a housing allowance of FJD 1,350–3,000 per month.Establishmentand repatriation grant, removal expenses, airfares, home leave travel, healthand life and disability insurances and education allowances are available foreligible employees and their eligible dependents. Employees are entitled to 25working days of annual leave per annum and other types of leave, and access toSPC’s Provident Fund (contributing 8% of salary, to which SPC adds a matchingcontribution).

Languages–SPC’s working languages are English and French.

Recruitment principlesSPC’s recruitment is based on merit and fairness, and candidatesare competing in a selection process that is fair, transparent andnon-discriminatory. SPC is anequal-opportunity employer, and iscommitted to cultural and gender diversity, including bilingualism, and willseek to attract and appoint candidates who respect these values. Due attentionis given to gender equity and the maintenance of strong representation fromPacific Island professionals. If two interviewed candidates are ranked equal bythe selection panel, preference will be given to thePacific Islander.

Applicants will beassured of complete confidentiality in line with SPC’s Privacy Policy.

Application procedure

ClosingDate – 24 April 2022 at 11:59pm (Fiji time)

Applicants must applyonline at:

Hard copies ofapplications will not be accepted.

Tobe considered for this role, you must provide us with:

·an updated resume

·contact details for three professionalreferees

·a cover letter detailing your skills,experience and interest in this position

·responses to all screening questions

Pleaseensure your documents are in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format.

Applicantsshould not attach copies of qualifications or letters of reference. Thesedocuments may be requested at a later stage.

Forinternational staff in Fiji, only one foreign national per family can beemployed with an entity operating in Fiji at any one given time. SPC may assiston a case-by-case basis with submissions to Fiji Ministry of Foreign Affairsfor their consideration and final approval. SPC cannot and does not make anyguarantee whatsoever of approval for such applications to the Fijian Ministryof Foreign Affairs and where an application is approved, the spouse or partnerwill subject to such terms and conditions as may be set from time to time bythe Ministry.

Please ensure that you respond to all thescreening questions. If you do not respond to the screening questions, yourapplication will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed atshortlisting stage.


1.Please describe how you have used and managed IT support systems(such as Service Now, Teams, SharePoint etc.) to support your work in guiding,coaching, and supervising members of your team.

2.Can you describe the skills you possess to effectively managecustomer expectations, team workload and collaboration with vendors and othertechnical teams within the organization?

3.Describe how you would perform the following tasks in your roleas a Senior ICT Technician:

·Technical troubleshooting of laptops, desktops and multifunctiondevices;

·Assistance in the evaluation of supplier quotes for the purchaseof computer equipment (laptops, monitors, printers, etc.);

·Address customer complaints



ECONSULT PACIFIC provides this vacancy announcementto those specialists on our database who have provided us with an email addressand who have voluntarily subscribed. Unless otherwise indicated, ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC is not and will not be involved in the selection process, nor in any ofthe negotiations for the position, and will not claim any charges from thespecialists.

The vacancies are obtained from regional and internationalorganizations,magazines, newspapers and colleagues. Although we will do our best to relate toyou the details on the positions as they have been provided to us, it is
possible that some information may be incorrect or outdated. ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC advises those interested in a vacancy to contact the advertisingorganization directly for specific details on the position. ECO-CONSULT
PACIFIC will not accept any liability for incorrect information.

Although we have many email recipients for 'Pacific Vacancies', your addresswill remain confidential. If you do not want to receive the vacancyannouncements anymore, please send a blank email to:

Of course, you can always join again later, by sending a blank email messageto:

Palladium (Samoa-based): Revised - Program Manager, Samoa - Pacific Labour Facility: 2022/143

Wilco Liebregts
  • All Messages By This Member


Please note that this vacancyannouncement has been revised and includes updated information. It replaces theannouncement we sent out recently.

Please find Pacific VacanciesAnnouncement No. 2022/143 | Messages (42)

Program Manager, Samoa - Pacific Labour Facility

About Palladium:

Palladium is a global leader in the design, development anddelivery of Positive Impact – the intentional creation of enduring social andeconomic value. We work with governments, businesses, and investors tosolve the world's most pressing challenges. With a team of more than 3,000employees operating in 90 plus countries and a global network of over 35,000experts, we help improve economies, societies and, most importantly, people'slives.

Project Overview:

The Pacific Labour Facility (PLF) facilitates seasonal andlonger-term work opportunities for Pacific workers in Australia. It connectsAustralian employers with Pacific workers under the newly introduced PacificAustralia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme which combines the existing PacificLabour Scheme (PLS) and Seasonal Worker Programme (SWP).

Role Overview:

The Program Manager (PM) will work in partnership with theLabour Sending Unit (LSU) and will be responsible for implementing severalprogrammatic initiatives, providing capacity development and mentoring, andassist with instilling a team culture within the LSU. The PM will be workingclosely with the LSU to support workers and families through the Predeparturebriefings and will engage with communities as part of the recruitmentprocess.


  • Work Ready Pool & Recruitment:Strengthen and improve quality work ready pool through the design and delivery of processes/initiatives and enhancement of work readiness programs.Ensuring quality worker selection, assist with interviewing and shortlisting of workers to meet employers’ requirements.
  • Mobilization:Develop workflow/plans, priorities, and assist with planning, tracking progress and escalate issues where applicable, coordinate with key Labour Mobility (LM) stakeholders/service providers in Samoa.
  • Pre-Departure Briefing:Provide support and leadership to trainers including mentoring and coaching.
  • Reintegration Programs:Work with LSU and the PLF Reintegration Manager to develop and support the LSU and in-country partners to drive & coordinate reintegration initiatives, leveraging connections with other DFAT funded programs and in-country networks.
  • Team Building:work with the Engagement Managerto provide mentoring and capacity building initiatives to the LSU.
  • Training:Work with training providers to deliver training and facilitate workshops to Labour Mobility Stakeholders.
  • Marketing/Awareness:Support the LSU with marketing and awareness programs to inform the public, communities, workers and key LM stakeholders about the PALM program.


  • Tertiary qualification in a relevant discipline with demonstrated experience in managing programs/project, stakeholder engagement, coordinating teams and managing risks
  • A demonstrated ability to build respectful, productive and sustainable working relationships with a variety of stakeholders (including partner government, civil society and the private sector) and working together to achieve results
  • Demonstrated ability to work autonomously with limited supervision and ability to work under pressure to meet key deliverables
  • Demonstrated skill and experience at convening and facilitating productive interaction between diverse groups of people
  • Experience working with programs in the Pacific with a strong understanding of gender equality concepts and issues
  • An understanding of current issues in relation to circular labour mobility, including related policy and regulatory frameworks is desirable
  • Experience in program implementation, excellent written and communication skills, and delivery of training programs and/or facilitation is desirable

Remuneration, Allowances andSupport Costs:

This position is classifiedunder the Aid Adviser Remuneration Framework (ARF) at C2 classification, andany Allowances and support costs the Adviser may be eligible to receive will bein accordance with the ARF.

Application Requirements

Candidates must have currentunrestricted work rights or be eligible to apply for a valid visa to work inSamoa.

Applications close on 14 April 2022 and will be assessed on arolling basis. The successful candidate will be offered an initial contract to 30June 2023.

Equity, Diversity& Inclusion- Palladium is committed to embedding equity, diversity,and inclusion into everything we do.We welcome applications from allsections of society and actively encourage diversity to driveinnovation,creativity, success and good practice. We positively welcome and seek to ensurewe achieve diversity in our workforce; and that all job applicants andemployees receive equal and fair treatment regardless of their background orpersonal characteristics. These include: (but are not limited to) socio-economicbackground, age, race, gender identity and expression, religion, ethnicity,sexual orientation, disability, nationality, veteran, marital or Indigenousstatus.

Should you require any adjustments or accommodations to be madedue to a disability or you are a neurodivergent individual or for any othercircumstance, please email our team ataccessibility@...and we will be in touch todiscuss.

Safeguarding- We defineSafeguarding as “the preventative action taken by Palladium to protect ourpeople, clients and the communities we work with from harm”. We are committedto ensuring that all children and adults who come into contact with Palladiumare treated with respect and are free from abuse. All successfulcandidates will be subject to an enhanced selection process includingsafeguarding-focused interviews and a rigorous due diligence process.

For more details:

Program Manager Samoa -



ECONSULT PACIFIC provides this vacancy announcementto those specialists on our database who have provided us with an email addressand who have voluntarily subscribed. Unless otherwise indicated, ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC is not and will not be involved in the selection process, nor in any ofthe negotiations for the position, and will not claim any charges from thespecialists.

The vacancies are obtained from regional and internationalorganizations,magazines, newspapers and colleagues. Although we will do our best to relate toyou the details on the positions as they have been provided to us, it is
possible that some information may be incorrect or outdated. ECO-CONSULTPACIFIC advises those interested in a vacancy to contact the advertisingorganization directly for specific details on the position. ECO-CONSULT
PACIFIC will not accept any liability for incorrect information.

Although we have many email recipients for 'Pacific Vacancies', your addresswill remain confidential. If you do not want to receive the vacancyannouncements anymore, please send a blank email to:

Of course, you can always join again later, by sending a blank email messageto: | Messages (2025)


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.